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Java Server IP ⟹
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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:

Woah! What's this? A visitor? How nice of you to drop by and check us out. We're currently running Bukkit on MC 1.2 SMP. Plugins include LWC, Worldguard, Simplehome, Borderguard and many more. We tend to keep it as vanilla as possible, but we use plugins to help maintain the server and keep the griefers / thieves at bay so you can enjoy Minecraft the way it's meant to be played. The server is now running on a custom linux based server located in Phoenix, AZ, and lag free connections are possible when connecting from as far afield as Eastern Europe. (We have mods from California, Nevada, Texas, Ireland, England and Portugal) Go ahead and connect using the address "" and say hi. We're a friendly bunch and we're always glad to see new faces. If you value community and good laughs, this is the server for you. If you want more details concerning plugins or if you'd like to see some screen shots of builds from the server, click the button below.