Minecraft Server icon for ArthWorldArthWorld
Java Server IP ⟹arthworld.pq-dev.dk

Java IP:arthworld.pq-dev.dk
Server Status:Offline
Last Ping: 1 years ago
Server Version: 1.20.1
Players Online:0 / 60
Submitted:2022-08-16 18:54:40
Updated:2023-08-05 12:32:23
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Votes - all time:45
External Links: Discord

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ArthWorld is a creative server, which is carefully designed to allow your inner creativity to blossom.
The server is a modern reconstruction of the near-forgotten server systems that ran on Minecraft Classic 0.30 servers such as MCForge and MCLawl.

Spread your creative wings
- Enter one of the server's public worlds, wherein everybody can build anything and anywhere they want (to the limits of griefing).
- Use extra features such as water and lava that doesn't flow, to create things you otherwise could not.
- Create your own private world and get your very own space to do whatever you want with, whether it be a flat world or one that uses normal terrain.
- Customize your world, change its time, weather, name and more - control who's allowed and not allowed to visit and build on it.
- Teleport to whomever you want, as long a they are not on a private world, you can teleport to anyone and see their creative mind in action.
- Quickly place (or replace) a lot of blocks using our lag free world editing tool.

General rules
- Don't cheat (not sure how you would manage to cheat at all on a server such as this, but the rule is there for good measure).
- Don't grief - should you decide to grief anyway, you will be be given the 'Griefer' rank, which will lock you out from many of the server's features.
- Spamming, being offensive, mean or otherwise obnoxious in the chat is not allowed.
- Respect the authority and the decisions of the server's staff.

What kind of Minecraft Server is ArthWorld?

ArthWorld is a Minecraft Creative / Classic Server that specifically serves players using the Java edition of the game. The server aims to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for players to enjoy a balanced and engaging Creative experience.

Types of Games and Gameplay on ArthWorld?

Minecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. ArthWorld is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including unknown modes.

Server software used to run ArthWorld?

Using custom server software provides additional features, customization options, and plugin support compared to the original Minecraft server jar. This server has registered their server to use the following server software: Spigot

How do I join the ArthWorld server?

Join with Minecraft Java edition

  • Click on the Java IP here to copy it: arthworld.pq-dev.dk
  • Open Minecraft and click the Multiplayer tab and click Add Server
  • Paste the IP into the Add Server option. Click Done
  • Click Join and enjoy playing on ArthWorld
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