Olá jogador, venho apresentar a você a nossa incrível network de minecraft!
Aqui estão algumas informações sobre:
Ip: hydemc.com
Porta Bedrock: 10086
Ip Bedrock: bedrock.hydemc.com
Versões disponíveis: 1.14 > 1.21
Nosso discord: discord.gg/hydemc
Nosso site: hydemc.com
Nossa wiki: wiki.hydemc.com
Nossos sistemas:
Proteções de terreno (/proteger)
Sistema de Abilidades (mcMMO)
Um sistema incrível de clan (/clan)
Liga mensal com prêmios (/liga)
Sistema de economia (/coins & /gemas)
Sistema de Loja (/shop ou /loja)
Sistema de Leilão de items (/ah)
Sistema de Warps públicas (/pw ou /go)
Casamento entre jogadores (/marry)
Duelar entre outros jogadores (/x1 ou /1v1)
Usar skins customizadas (/skin)
Eventos díarios, semanais & mensais (/evento & /batalha)
Mundos personalizados (/mundos)
& Muito mais!
Recolhimento de items automático (/auto)
Sentar, deitar & agachar em lugares (/sentar, /deitar, /agachar)
Quase todos os mobs podem ser laçados e teleportados
Spawners podem ser quebrados com Toque Suave (Vips possuem mais chance de dar certo)
Sistema de baús virtuais (/bau & /gemasloja para comprar)
Mais coisas em-breve, fique atento!
What kind of Minecraft Server is HydeMC Minecraft Brasil?
HydeMC Minecraft Brasil is a Minecraft Survival Server that caters to players using both Java and Bedrock editions of the game. The server aims to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for players to enjoy a balanced and engaging Crossplay, Survival experience.
- Java Server IP: hydemc.com:19132
- Bedrock Server IP: bedrock.hydemc.com | Bedrock Port: 10086
- Minecraft Version: The server operates on version 1.21.4
Types of Games and Gameplay on HydeMC Minecraft Brasil?
Minecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. HydeMC Minecraft Brasil is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including Roleplay, PVP, Land Claim, McMMO modes.
Server software used to run HydeMC Minecraft Brasil?
Using custom server software provides additional features, customization options, and plugin support compared to the original Minecraft server jar. This server has registered their server to use the following server software: Spigot
How do I join the HydeMC Minecraft Brasil server?
Join with Minecraft Java edition
- Click on the Java IP here to copy it: hydemc.com:19132
- Open Minecraft and click the Multiplayer tab and click Add Server
- Paste the IP into the Add Server option. Click Done
- Click Join and enjoy playing on HydeMC Minecraft Brasil
Join with Minecraft Bedrock / Pocket Edition (MCPE)
- Click on the link here to: Add HydeMC Minecraft Brasil to Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Click Play and enjoy playing on HydeMC Minecraft Brasil Bedrock Edition.
- If the above does not work, then Copy this IP and Port individually. bedrock.hydemc.com Port: 10086
- Open Minecraft Pocket Edition and click the Play button
- Open the Servers tab and click on the Add Server option
- Paste the IP into the Server Address field, and the Port in the Port field
- Click Play and enjoy playing on HydeMC Minecraft Brasil Bedrock Edition.