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Java Server IP ⟹ae.ggs.onl:27146

Ascending Embers
0 Players have voted for this server in May.
72 Votes - All time
Top Voters

Top Voters

  • Alex_Hansen - 2 votes

Recent Comments & Reviews (1)


2024-02-13 12:47:29

Wonderful server, with high performance and lots of great people inhabiting it


Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: ae.ggs.onl:27146

Ascending Embers
[SMP] {Near-Vanilla} {1.20.4} {Grey-list} {Friendly Community} {Discord} {Huge Map} {Long-term world} {Creative world}

About Ascending Embers:
Our server is home to friendly players from all over the world. We have been around for a while, but even so, there are many unexplored areas of our main world.

Every member is part of the community as a whole, and everyone has helped in making the server a special place to be, ensuring that everyone has a good time. You can build small, or big, or make tons of redstone farms, or just play around in our creative world if you'd like.

We help each other in any way we can, so if you'd like a helping hand with redstone or if you're just new to the game, we are here for you.

We trust each other to be honest, fair, and kind. This is what makes our community great and why you should consider joining if our community sounds like a place for you!

1. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.
2. Don't intentionally provoke others, or be intolerable.
3. Griefing or stealing will not be tolerated.
4. Hacking, X-raying, Duplicating items, or otherwise cheating will not be tolerated.
5. Don't build your base on the spawn island. It's reserved for shops and amusements.
6. The secret color when applying for membership is "salmon".
7. No amount of bigotry, hate-speech, sexism, racism, or discrimination will be tolerated.

Details about Ascending Embers:
We strive to be as vanilla as possible on Ascending Embers, but we still have a few plugins. Core-protect is used to check for grief, and we use plugins like Essentials to provide a Greylist and /spawn, and Multiverse-core for the multiple worlds. We also have a sleep-plugin to allow a single player to skip the night if someone is afk.

Since we are grey-listed you will be able to log onto our server without applying, and chat with all the members as well as move around and have a look at our server. Then, if you feel like our server would be a nice place for you, just head to our discord below and make sure to read the rules thoroughly before applying in the applications channel.
Including the secret color is a must!

Some facts:
- The server is on Hard difficulty. We like a challenge and as such the monsters deal maximum damage and you can starve to death if no food is acquired.
- You can always build with your friends. No commands needed!
- A separate Creative world allows you to build whatever youd like or just test out designs before constructing it in the survival world.
- We have a render distance of 30 chunks!
- Our main world is 20,000 by 20,000 blocks!
- Mining a spawner with silk touch will allow you to pick it up and move it. We know this strives pretty far from vanilla, but we have it because we feel it should be a vanilla thing. If you feel its too much, feel free to leave the spawners where they are and build around it vanilla-style.
- Elytra drops from killing the dragon This way, everyone has a chance of obtaining an elytra, while still making it quite hard to farm
- Pranks and presents are allowed and encouraged, as long as they're not malicious.
- The staff and community is super helpful, and respects all players no matter their race, religion, gender, and sexuality.

Practical information:
IP: ae.ggs.onl
Rules and link to application are in our Discord
Discord: https://discord.gg/TjF49XP
Server location: Montreal, Canada
but with a really good connection to Europe, and even Australia

Server version: 1.20.4
The Owners: Alex_Hansen & Phantaztik

Essentials, Coreprotect, DiscordSRV, BlueMap, SilkSpawner, SleepMost