Minecraft Server icon for NordCraft.org Survival/TownyVote for NordCraft.org Survival/Towny
Java Server IP ⟹play.nordcraft.org
Bedrock IP/Port ⟹ play.nordcraft.org:25565

NordCraft.org Survival/Towny
1 Players have voted for this server in May.
205 Votes - All time
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  • Venours_ - 1 vote

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.nordcraft.org

Hey, welcome to our page!
Are you looking for a friendly survival server with many exciting features?
Then you've found the right one! Welcome to NordCraft Survival!
We have been working hard on creating the best survival experience for you.

You may find the following features interesting:
- Towns and Nations: Join or create towns and nations with other players!

- Dungeons: Fight different bosses and mobs! Each type has its own abilities and powers.

- Custom items: Armor/weapons and decorations. We are adding new things very frequently.

- Shop District: We have a huge "shopping mall" where you can purchase your shop to sell items to other players.

- Regenerating Mine: We have a mine that regenerates every 10 minutes, which is a quick way to get started or if you are tired of mining.

- Biome Teleport: Finding your favorite biome can take a lot of time, so we created portals for each one!

- MiniGames: Have fun with your friends and play some minigames; we offer many different games.

Here are some beneficial plugins that we also have:

- Claims: Protect your home from other players.

- Sethome: Sets a home at your desired location, then use /home to teleport back to that location at any time!

- TPA: Teleport to your friends instantly!

- VeinMiner: Allows you to mine multiple ores in the same vein, crouch while mining.

- Quests: Earn rewards by completing different quests!

- TPR: Teleport to the wilderness with a straightforward command!/tpr

- Jobs: Select a job and get extra XP while playing!

And this is not all; the rest is for you to explore! :)
I hope I'll see ya around! Welcome!