Minecraft Server icon for BYTE Minecraft NetworkVote for BYTE Minecraft Network
Java Server IP ⟹play.byte.org.uk

BYTE Minecraft Network
0 Players have voted for this server in May.
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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.byte.org.uk

247 server. Friendly admins, Great plugins, instant play - no white list, child friendly.

The world is at a turning point, evil once again rises from the depths of the world to terrorise the populace , the mighty empires struggle against each other on the frontier while fighting back the darkness rising within there own cities.

Choose your race and profession with heroes and join the fight, levelling up your character. Explore the world and start your own city or nation with towny, and declare war on opposing nations. Complete quests and trade to get money for shops.

Design mighty ships to sail around the world, build cannons and duel in the skies with huge airships, besiege enemy castles with cannons and mortars, and hire mercenary armies to come and fight for you

Start companies and employ others, build ships and import and export cargo from city trade ports to earn money

Slay players and lose reputation until you are a bandit outcast and can only trade on the black market, or help people and become a hero and get access to the Imperial Armoury.

Battle thirst and diseases as you travel through the world craft remedies and cures, or extract your disease into vials and throw them into castles to infect defenders

Uncover massive hidden locations and secret skills, chat to NPCs to uncover story plots. construct mighty factories with craft book pipes and filters, brew beer and spirits, fast travel around and explore a world with so much to do....

Join us now!!

Quests, Heroes, Citizens, Thirst, Disease