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Java Server IP ⟹mc.foncused.net

Foncused Network
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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: mc.foncused.net

Website: foncused.net
Shop: shop.foncused.net
Discord: discord.foncused.net
Twitter: @FoncusedNetwork | @FN_Robot

Foncused Network is a custom Minecraft minigames network which has been in development for many years. The network also features classic gamemodes, including Creative and Survival. It is our hope that you enjoy your time playing on the server and that you join our Discord to become involved in the community. Welcome!

Three types of games are currently playable:

1. Creative
Classic free-building gamemode set in an infinite plotworld
- PlotSquared plugin used to protect and claim building areas
- WorldEdit available to Patrons
- 8 plots + 17 additional plots for donors

2. Survival
Classic open-world survival with skill-leveling, economy, ore exchange, PVP, crates, and more
- Blocks regenerate from explosion events creepers, TNT, etc.
- Level 8 different skills to unlock abilities such as vein miner/ore locator Mining, tree feller Woodcutting, dash Stamina and many more
- Randomized easter egg events and rewards
- Vote rewards allow flight for 30 seconds per vote
- PVP is enabled in the entire world outside of spawn, in the Nether, and in the End
- 3 homes + 2 additional homes for donors
- Difficulty set to easy

3. Murder
Kill the Murderer before they kill everyone else in this adaptation of the classic Garrys Mod gamemode
- Completely custom minigame and maps
- Bystander and Murder roles randomized
- Spectator mode enabled