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Java Server IP ⟹AlameinEmpires.aternos.me

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: AlameinEmpires.aternos.me

minecraft Empire/anarchy server.
join or start an empire, get members, build cites, have wars and have fun!

Alamein Empires is a economy and empire type server.
1. don't grief.
2. be nice to other players.

[country/empire rules]
1. when starting an empire/country, you need to have at least 5 members.
2. when making laws you must not break any worldwide laws.

[War rules]
1. when having wars, you must not fall out or charge unless told to by a leader.
2. don't spam tnt, it makes the war unfair.
3. keep it professional.

[economy rules]
1. don't "print money" [this means forging money/currency]

[extra rules]
1. make id's for your people
2. you can only cross borders with a passport [not using a passport or sneaking/breaking in will get you arrested.


more rules will be added soon

sorry about my bad english

[Java only]

if ip doesn't work put: " :45694 " at the end of it