Minecraft Server icon for NowherelandVote for Nowhereland
Java Server IP ⟹mc.nowhere-land.net

0 Players have voted for this server in May.
100 Votes - All time
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  • LazyGraepe - 11 votes
  • mjsully - 1 vote

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: mc.nowhere-land.net

This server has no direct monetization, so players cannot pay to win here. Even our staff play by the same rules as everyone else, so everyone is an equal. If you want to support us, join our discord!

We primarily use Towny, a plugin similar to factions, but with a focus on communities and building. Nations and towns can still attack one another, but the speed at which claiming happens is nerfed in comparison. Anyone can start or join a town or nation here!

If you have any questions or suggestions, just stop by our Discord server, we've got specific channels just for that! Even if you don't want to, or can't play MC, come hang out with our community.

Network Servers
Winston's World Server: A brand new western Towny frontier awaits you! Explore the unmarked paths of our world, with no access to coordinates or teleports. Use gold and other minerals as a physical currency to purchase resources. Build settlements, towns, cities, and nations with the Towny plugin. Pray to deities and sacrifice materials and mobs for their favor. Watch closely over your herds to prevent the spread of diseases. Travel to collect resources, or find a merchant who can, as some resources are more abundant only in specific places with our custom ore generation and biome-specific crop growth. But, be abundantly careful to watch your temperature and hydration as well! Avoid catching any of our custom-built ailments unless you know how to cure them. Winston's World is an unforgiving place; death on this server will leave you with a complete player reset and respawned in a random location across the entire map.

Current Event: It's a mystery!

Current Plugins: AnimalPlague, BasicRTP, Bookshelves, Chestshops, ChestShop-towny, Company, DeathCommands, Epidemics, LuckPerms, NewGods, ore-control, PwnPlantGrowth, SnoozeBar, TheNewEconomy, Towny, UltimateChairs

Related Gameplay: SMP, PvE, PvP, Factions, Prison-esque, Roleplay-esque

Warden Towny Server: Bring your friends, and prepare for adventure in this laidback fantasy Towny server! Land yourself in the developing elven town of Avalion's Crest, or venture out into the still vastly unexplored wilderness. Trade goods with other players, and make purchases with your collected copper ingots. Pray to your chosen deity, and receive items and perks from them in return. Build epic towns, and work to create something together. Come join the small "Warden Towny" community, and enjoy our newly released server worlds!

Note: You will be randomly teleported upon joining, and this is a big part of the experience here! We HIGHLY suggest joining the discord so that you can easily ask questions if no staff is currently online, and to get help from other players.

Warden Towny server plugins: BaicRTP, ChestShop, DeadChest, DeathCommands, SilkSpawners, sleep-most, TheNewEconomy, Towny, TownyChat, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, Votifier

Towny, Silkspawners, Chestshop, DeathCommands, Deathchest