Minecraft Server icon for ImmortalXOverPoweredVote for ImmortalXOverPowered

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: ImmortalXOverPowered.aternos.me:19495

Dedication: I believe this is a major factor everyone should have when applying for a server. I will be fully committed and dedicated to the server. I will do everything I can, and I am told to make everyone's experience better on the server as mentioned before. This doesn't just only apply to a Minecraft server. It applies in real life as well, whether it be a school assignment or anything else if you care for that particular thing you need to put effort and dedication towards it.

Honesty: This is a major factor, and I think it is equal to commitment. Honesty helps you in developing friendships with another person, and it is crucial. You should always be honest to everyone, …show more content…

It is required from me to possess that. If a job were assigned to me, I would do my best to get the job done in time. Again, this doesn't just apply to a Minecraft server. This applies everywhere, whether it would be in school, or you had to do an explicit deal with your friends. Even if you don't like it, you have to do it.

Activeness: I can guarantee you a magnificent amount of hours that I will spend on the server. I am a very active staff member, and many people can confirm this as a fact. This is important due to players feel better when they know that the staff team is taking care of the cheater's nad making their experience better on the server. It will potentially make them stay longer on the server and possibly recommend it to his friends.
