Minecraft Server icon for CraftRealmsVote for CraftRealms
Java Server IP ⟹mc.CraftRealms.com

0 Players have voted for this server in May.
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  • Titangamer7 - 1 vote

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: mc.CraftRealms.com

CraftRealms is a community started back in 2010 but the server went down because the owner was not able to be on the server much and the server fell apart. BUT! We got all the staff together and we bought a very nice server that ensures no lag what so ever.
Server Info:
We have many plugins that will ensure that your builds will stay safe.

We have a really nice staff that will help you solve any isues caused by players or anything ells.

We have some simple but very strict rules that if broken, you will face charges with no exceptions.

1. NO Griefing in Towns. PVP, Grief, Steal in the Wild ONLY

2. NO Hacked Clients. You annoy other players and you are missing the fun part of the game.

3. NO Fly Mods, x-Ray mods. If you wish to use fly mod please donate and get the VIP package which allows you to use a fly mod and it gives you some extra commands, and at the same time you are really helping us pay for the servers expenses.

4. NO CAPS. We appreciate when the chat is clean and nobody tries to scream at anyone ells.

5. NO Asking for MOD, ADMIN, OP, CREATIVE, ITEMS, TIME DAY. We choose our staff wisely and we appreciate the people who show effort and support to our server and who follow the rules and dont ask for a higher rank. There are so many other ways to show us that you deserve that position and by asking you just eliminating those chances.

6. YES Enjoy your stay and vote for us!

Thanks for following the rules.