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Java Server IP ⟹mc.charliecraft.com

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: mc.charliecraft.com

CharlieCraft is a Minecraft community focused on family friendly casual play.

Server Features:
Protect your land with Towny, and Lock your chests in the wild with Lockette. We have a friendly staff that will even do full rollbacks if one of your town members goes nuts.
We have a long standing friendly community of Minecraft players that are willing to help you get started, or just great for making new friends.
The server is mainly focused on survival building, but we do offer a few other things to keep players happy, things like unique drops with crazy enchantments, unidentified items and identify tomes. Towns all have ranks based on town size, and players who manage nations can offer great incentive for towns to join.
Oremob drop based economy. Sell your ores and mob drops to the server store to earn money. Money can be used for many things like trading with other players, buying things from the server store, upgrading your backpack, expandingupkeeping your town or nation.
Never worried about getting killed by other players if you dont like that sort of thing. We have optional pvp on the server. Players can enable pvp in their own towns, or just create arena specific plots for pvp.

What does CharlieCraft cost to play?

CharlieCraft is 100% free to play, for everyone, forever. Our website will allow the purchase of many in-game perks and upgrades, but all of these are completely optional, and players can have a complete, fulfilling gaming experience without spending a penny.

I still dont understand how its free to play - whats the catch?

There is no catch at all, if you already own Minecraft you are free to play for as long as you like, with no charge.
While there is no cost for members to play on CharlieCraft, CharlieCraft does need donation each month to keep running. Players that have the means to donate are encouraged to do so even if they do not find value in any of the perks.
Recommended donation is about 5 - 15$ for a month of play. But if you do not have the means to donate we fully understand, and would still love to have you playing on the server.

We have many other useful features to help you get around the server and just have fun. So please come and check us out.


Essentials, Dynamp, Towny, Lockette, MysticDrops, OtherDrops