Minecraft Servers in India
Find top Indian Minecraft servers to play on! Join the best Minecraft servers in India and connect with players speaking Hindi and English. Discover your perfect server today!
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 166 / 900 Votes (January): 1528 Votes (all time): 25378 |
Players Online: 1 / 199 Votes (January): 77 Votes (all time): 92 |
Players Online: 103 / 500 Votes (January): 65 Votes (all time): 2756 |
Players Online: 5 / 69 Votes (January): 35 Votes (all time): 67 |
Players Online: 1 / 20 Votes (January): 32 Votes (all time): 306 |
Players Online: / 35 Votes (January): 17 Votes (all time): 25 |
Players Online: 5 / 500 Votes (January): 16 Votes (all time): 19 |
Players Online: / 40 Votes (January): 10 Votes (all time): 10 |
Players Online: 2 / 25 Votes (January): 8 Votes (all time): 8 |
Players Online: / 20 Votes (January): 7 Votes (all time): 7 |
Players Online: / 100 Votes (January): 7 Votes (all time): 7 |
Players Online: 21 / 2024 Votes (January): 6 Votes (all time): 33 |
Players Online: / 1000 Votes (January): 5 Votes (all time): 703 |
Players Online: 1 / 20 Votes (January): 4 Votes (all time): 4 |
Players Online: / 500 Votes (January): 4 Votes (all time): 4 |
Players Online: 8 / 300 Votes (January): 3 Votes (all time): 3 |
Players Online: / 10000 Votes (January): 3 Votes (all time): 3 |
Players Online: / 2999 Votes (January): 3 Votes (all time): 26 |
Players Online: / 25 Votes (January): 2 Votes (all time): 2 |
Players Online: 4 / 80 Votes (January): 1 Votes (all time): 3616 |