Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server List (mcsl) is showcasing some of the best Minecraft Servers in the world to play on online.

Scroll down and find a good minecraft server that seems right for you - click on the server to read more or click Copy IP and paste it into your Minecraft Client at the Multiplayer option for Java and Bedrock.
Filter through Minecraft Server categories above.

Server List Information

We ping each server often to ensure they are online and ready to play on. More than 500.000 Minecraft Servers monitored since 2010.

We have a comprehensive list of servers spanning various categories such as Skyblock, Vanilla, Pixelmon, Towny, Bedwars, and more. Navigate through the different categories in the menu above and find the perfect server to suit your Minecraft gameplay needs.

Browse Minecraft Servers 2024
Rank Server IP Address
Complex Gaming
Welcome to Complex Gaming! We offer many gamemodes which provide endless fun for everyone including pokemon in minecraft, skyblock, factions, survival, and much much more! ...
Players Online: 1734 / 3000
Votes (February): 34558
Votes (all time): 5459689

Penguin GG
Welcome to Penguin.GG! We are a brand new network launched in 2022. Come join SB737 as he plays and records with his community! We currently offer an amazing Skyblock ...
Players Online: 266 / 500
Votes (February): 11503
Votes (all time): 829391

Ready for a next-level Minecraft experience? ExtremeCraft offers a variety of thrilling game modes, an amazing community, and endless fun! ✨ Why Choose ExtremeCraft? ...
Players Online: 217 / 5000
Votes (February): 10325
Votes (all time): 127344

Lifesteal Network
Lifesteal Network, is the Official Public Server of Lifesteal SMP, where when you kill a player you gain a heart and if you die you lose one. This server offers new engaging...
Players Online: 508 / 1000
Votes (February): 10222
Votes (all time): 132072

PikaNetwork is a Cracked Minecraft server! Open to both Regular and Cracked players. Our server's player base is intermittently growing since it's first released, ...
Players Online: 1300 / 6500
Votes (February): 9960
Votes (all time): 1881787

JartexNetwork is a Cracked Minecraft server! Open to both Regular and Cracked players. Our server's player base is intermittently growing since it's first released...
Players Online: 906 / 5000
Votes (February): 9195
Votes (all time): 1785073

SnailCraft is a Minecraft server offering a fresh and exciting experience for players. With a focus on community, creativity, and fun, SnailCraft features custom gameplay, v...
Players Online: 160 / 300
Votes (February): 9089
Votes (all time): 19004

Pixelmon Realms
Our server is running Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.6 (adds over 250 new Pokemon!) Pixelmon Reforged Pixelmon Launcher: http://bit.ly/playpixelmon Pixelmon Realms play.pixelmonr...
Players Online: / 999
Votes (February): 9077
Votes (all time): 1804332

Havoc Games // The Mining
🔫GUNS IN MINECRAFT!!🔫 Fight off zombies and players alike in our fully custom gamemodes! 🧟THE MINING DEAD: In this Minecraft rendition of AMC's The Walki...
Players Online: 137 / 1000
Votes (February): 7161
Votes (all time): 1709973



#20 us

BlockHERO is a newly released minecraft server with survival and skyblock on version 1.21 Features: - furniture - wardrobe - land claiming - amazing island system - ...
Players Online: 1020 / 3000
Votes (February): 6066
Votes (all time): 66526