Minecraft Servers
Minecraft Server List (mcsl) is showcasing some of the best Minecraft Servers in the world to play on online.
Scroll down and find a good minecraft server that seems right for you - click on the server to read more or click Copy IP and paste it into your Minecraft Client at the Multiplayer option for Java and Bedrock.
Filter through Minecraft Server categories above.
We ping each server often to ensure they are online and ready to play on. More than 500.000 Minecraft Servers monitored since 2010.
We have a comprehensive list of servers spanning various categories such as Skyblock, Vanilla, Pixelmon, Towny, Bedwars, and more. Navigate through the different categories in the menu above and find the perfect server to suit your Minecraft gameplay needs.
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 644 / 3000 Votes (February): 33289 Votes (all time): 1274987 |
Players Online: 836 / 3500 Votes (February): 9 Votes (all time): 1526969 |
Players Online: 185 / 400 Votes (February): 32 Votes (all time): 94895 |
Players Online: 95 / 200 Votes (February): 13 Votes (all time): 131 |
Players Online: 129 / 400 Votes (February): 1735 Votes (all time): 127676 |
Players Online: 84 / 500 Votes (February): 8738 Votes (all time): 1077636 |
Players Online: 21 / 250 Votes (February): 960 Votes (all time): 112667 |
Players Online: 2 / 50 Votes (February): 152 Votes (all time): 459 |
Players Online: 24 / 150 Votes (February): 3889 Votes (all time): 793239 |
Players Online: 3 / 50 Votes (February): 110 Votes (all time): 11549 |
Players Online: 1320 / 3000 Votes (February): 51667 Votes (all time): 5476798 |
Players Online: 213 / 500 Votes (February): 16101 Votes (all time): 833989 |
Players Online: 342 / 999 Votes (February): 14981 Votes (all time): 1810236 |
Players Online: 330 / 1000 Votes (February): 14786 Votes (all time): 136636 |
Players Online: 302 / 5000 Votes (February): 14517 Votes (all time): 131536 |
Players Online: 2248 / 6500 Votes (February): 14245 Votes (all time): 1886072 |
Players Online: 1149 / 5000 Votes (February): 12922 Votes (all time): 1788800 |
Players Online: 99 / 300 Votes (February): 12518 Votes (all time): 22433 |
Players Online: 100 / 1000 Votes (February): 10101 Votes (all time): 1712913 |
Players Online: 748 / 3000 Votes (February): 8711 Votes (all time): 69171 |