Minecraft Server icon for Cobblemon Survival ServerVote for Cobblemon Survival Server
Java Server IP ⟹play.cobblemon.ca

Cobblemon Survival Server
0 Players have voted for this server in February.
375 Votes - All time
Top Voters

Top Voters

  • YuiTakashi - 1 vote

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Recent Comments & Reviews (3)


2024-07-14 18:12:01

everythging is great i love this server lots love love


2023-09-23 21:18:43

They have a good server never lags and a very nice community that will help you get started.


2023-08-25 17:40:43

i love it, the server is very nice sometimes laggy but still ok

Screenshot from Cobblemon Survival Server Minecraft Server

Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.cobblemon.ca

Welcome to Cobblemon!

TECHNIC LAUNCHER: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/cobblemonca.1967505

Join our server for an amazing Pokémon and Minecraft experience!

IP: play.cobblemon.ca Website: cobblemon.ca


No sign-up required. Join and Play!
McMMO (Skills)
Poketrade, Shout, and Gifting
Jobs (Miner, Digger, Hunter, and 12+ more) + Quests
Player Shops
Custom Structures (Poke Stops, Traders, and Random Loot)
Events and more (everything that makes a Cobblemon server great)
Veinminer (Break ore veins with 1 break)
ChopTree/Timbermod/Treedestroyage (Break a whole tree in one punch)
Griefdefender + Towns
Taxes feeding into a big lottery (win big!)
Create clans and show off your clan name as your prefix!
Useful Commands:

/RTP (random teleport somewhere on the map)
/sell (Sell items to the server)
/marry (Yes)
/top (Teleport to the surface)
/battle (Battle other players with your Cobblemon)
/poketrade (Trade Cobblemon with other players)
/pokeshout (Summary of the Pokémon in your designated slot in the chat for others to see)
/pokeivs (View the IVs of all Pokémon you're battling)
/top (Teleport to the highest block at your current location)
/back (Return to your previous location)
/sethome (Set a home location)
/home (Teleport to your home location)
/shop (Access the server shop)
/claim (Claim land)
/kits (Access available kits)
/license (Obtain a Minecraft license)
/f (Manage friendships)
/townclaims (Claim land for your town)
/basicclaims (Claim basic land)
/bal (Check your balance)
/baltop (View the top balances on the server)
/trust (Trust players with your claims)
/vote (Vote for the server to receive rewards)
/mcstats (View your Minecraft statistics)
/jobs (Access and manage jobs on the server)
/ignore (Ignore a player)
/abandonclaim (Abandon your claimed land)
/claiminfo (View information about a claim)
/pay (Pay another player)
/msg (Send a private message to a player)
/mail (Send in-game mail)
/lotto (Enter the server lottery)
/marry (Marry another player in-game)
There are many more commands available on Cobblemon, so don't hesitate to ask in-game or on our Discord server for more information. Happy gaming, and we look forward to seeing you on the server!

Join us now at play.cobblemon.ca and immerse yourself in the world of Cobblemon!