Minecraft Server icon for CheekyMCVote for CheekyMC
Java Server IP ⟹play.cheekymc.net
Bedrock IP/Port ⟹ bedrock.cheekymc.net:19132

0 Players have voted for this server in May.
720 Votes - All time
Top Voters

Top Voters

  • .Proboiz_954549 - 3 votes
  • .Masteredteddy12 - 1 vote

Recent Comments & Reviews (6)


2023-08-16 18:06:05

Overall, a very fun server! It's not *quite* as collaborative as I would have liked, but it's fun knowing there's a bigger world out there.


2023-08-11 16:04:46

This is the best smp ever I love it but it is lagging while I was playing :(


2023-08-11 10:24:53

Its reali Fun, good job. Hope you make more updates or somenthing like that. :D


2023-08-04 23:59:10

This server is sooo kind and caring! Im exited to see the community grow even more :)


2023-07-31 04:32:03

good and fun its minecraft server indeed very happy makes me


2023-07-30 21:03:12

The ultimate Minecraft server for players who seek a peaceful survival experience! Our server provides a serene gameplay environment where players can explore, build, and thrive without the need for conflict. Join us today and embark on an adventure of tranquility and resourcefulness.


Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.cheekymc.net

Welcome to CheekyMC, the ultimate Minecraft server for players who seek a peaceful survival experience! Our server provides a serene gameplay environment where players can explore, build, and thrive without the need for conflict. Join us today and embark on an adventure of tranquility and resourcefulness.

Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a fair and harmonious experience for all players, fostering a friendly and supportive community. With custom plugins and a variety of game modes, CheekyMC offers a diverse range of activities suitable for both Minecraft veterans and newcomers.

But that's not all! We also provide rewards for participating in server activities and voting, allowing you to earn exciting prizes and showcase your achievements to friends. So why wait? Join CheekyMC today and commence your journey towards mastering the art of peaceful survival in Minecraft!