Minecraft Server icon for ChillXPixelmonVote for ChillXPixelmon
Java Server IP ⟹us.playchillx.com:25568

1 Players have voted for this server in May.
100 Votes - All time
Top Voters

Top Voters

  • XRed_KnightX - 1 vote

Recent Comments & Reviews (4)


2023-12-30 02:47:46

Guy randomly times me out in the discord, then proceeds to kick me. Was just trying to find a new Pixelmon server to play :(


2023-11-15 04:59:00

good, pretty goo goo gooop, you can have loots of fuu fun


2023-08-20 22:08:41

Fun server!! lots of options and routes to pick from. raid system is a must


2023-08-15 07:13:51

AWESOME this server really has a unique gameplay. Even more so than most servers out there!


Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: us.playchillx.com:25568

Welcome to ChillXPixelmon!

This server is unlike any server offered before now. With custom plugins comes the all new game mode we call PokeGacha!

Start off by spinning the Gacha Wheel and letting fate select your starter!

Instead of catching em' all like you would usually, you spin for Pokémon out of several different pools that includes anything from ratatta to Zapdos!

For now starters include; Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Eevee, Pikachu, and the rare dragon Pokémon Dratini!

Use your starter to level up your character by completing challenges and growing stronger together with your Pokémon! The more challenges you face the more Gacha Tokens you will earn, allowing you to unlock more Pokémon!

The more rare Pokémon you unlock the stronger your team becomes and the farther you can climb in the PVP Sector, unlocking higher and higher rewards as you go!

This project is in Alpha stages right now and we are looking for builders to help create the stages the players will face to grow stronger. Any help would be most appreceated!

In the meantime we have the standard survival mode Pixelmon offered as well!

Come play with us and join our discord!

connect: us.playchillx.com:25568

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