Vote for OneSMP
Java Server IP ⟹

0 Players have voted for this server in January.
4 Votes - All time
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  • WhiteH4cker - 1 vote

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Recent Comments & Reviews (2)


2024-07-06 20:05:09

Great server with many plugins. It has been up for 6 months.


2024-01-07 23:01:21

Terrible server! really not worth visiting! rude & disrespectful staff and basically 0 player base. staff go out of their way to grief you.


Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play:

I started this server as a side project. It is a simple survival server with some plugins. The server is hosted in my homelab, which runs 24/7.

📜 Features:

Java (backwards compatible)

Player driven economy



TimeIsMoney (get diamonds and get paid for staying)

DeadChest (when your player dies, your items get stored in a chest)

Grief prevention / Claims system

PvP is enabled, but only allowed when both parties agree

LevelledMobs - EconomyShopGUI - DeadChest - Grief Prevention - CoreProtect - TreeCapacitor