Minecraft Server icon for Yokoso ServerVote for Yokoso Server
Java Server IP ⟹YOKOSO.JOIN-MC.COM:25632

0 Players have voted for this server in July.
71 Votes - All time
Top Voters

Top Voters

  • Kaynnn699 - 5 votes
  • Lanceee - 5 votes
  • RawrMighty - 4 votes
  • Euphie - 3 votes
  • .Dream40011 - 1 vote
  • StarWasDrunk - 1 vote
  • N3crozma - 1 vote
  • Xiaz3 - 1 vote
  • PartyVlak - 1 vote
  • Blankakopi - 1 vote

Recent Comments & Reviews (3)


2024-05-22 05:53:07

server is very good and people are very helpful to me


2024-05-19 09:55:56

verry nice server id like to play it and its fun


2024-05-17 08:21:14

Vote na po kayo para tanggalin natin ang mga racist sa server yaHAHAHAHAHA


Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: YOKOSO.JOIN-MC.COM:25632

Welcome to Yokoso Minecraft Server "Yokoso" means welcome in Japanese, and that's exactly what you'll feel as you step into our yokoso server. with lots of custom enchantments, more than 450+ enchantments and it will increase more.. and lots of feature added to the server to ensure player happiness
