Minecraft Server icon for GAMERSQUADGAMERSQUAD
Java Server IP ⟹GamerSquad.aternos.me:37303

Java IP:GamerSquad.aternos.me:37303
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Submitted:2024-06-28 18:24:03
Updated:2024-06-28 18:37:52
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I love minecraft. Minecraft is the best game. I play minecraft every day. I play it on my kindle whenever I get home from school, and at recess. The first time I played minecraft was with my cousin in Tennessee. We played survival mode, and tried to mine for diamonds. Me not knowing what to do, just mined down near the bottom of the world and trapped myself in so that the zombies and creepers couldn’t get me. But right when I got up, there was a creeper right there ready to explode. When I respawned, I decided I would fight the monsters with my cousin. We fought, fought, and fought. After we cleared out a lot of them, we went mining. I later built a house on a beach, with a secret basement we could hide in if the upper part was intruded by monsters. It’s also where I stored my stuff. We later both tamed wolves to make them our own pet dogs. While my first time playing minecraft was fun, there are many other legendary gaming moments I had. One time I played creative, and I build this huge 10 story brick penthouse for myself. Then my sister joined it and built a house, so I just blew it up with TNT. Probably the coolest home I ever built was a treehouse neighborhood. There was a bay, and a bunch of trees, so my cousin’s and I built treehouses for ourselves, and there was a mine near us. We could go look for diamonds whenever we wanted. We would climb the trees with ladders. I love playing Minecraft with my cousins and friends. We always build cool stuff, kill monsters, and have yo mama joke battles or just roast battles in general. One time I said “Yo mama so dumb, she put 2 quarters in her ear and thought she was listening to 50 Cent!” Everyone laughed Another time I played it with my friend. We found this world that was REALLY good. We found great loot. We found emeralds AND diamonds! We both had diamond armor and swords and built a diamond house because there were so many diamonds! Then another time, I started a random world. No big deal, right? Then another time I was bored. I put in a random seed and I got in the same world as the previous one! It had a big mountain and there were a lot of diamonds in one place. I play a lot of roblox, too now and get the epic #1 victry royal each day! I am the king of Roblox and Minecraft. I don’t play Fortnite, though. I still watch a lot of Ninja. I used to play it but I didn’t get the epic victry royal.

When I started playing minecraft, I started my Youtube channel too. I think I’m one of the smartest content creators, because I can’t do that thing that Ninja does where he shows the screen and his face. What I do is take my mom’s phone and hold it up to the screen while I’m playing, and instead of a facecam, I just cut to my face whenever I have a CRAZY reaction! For Christmas I got a diamond sword and a shirt that says Like A Boss with Steve on it. One time I was playing, and I saw this guy that looked like Steve. It was on my private Christian server and I was the only one playing so I went over to see what it was he was facing away from me. When I got to him, he turned around really fast and it was Herobrine! I died instantly. It was so scary! Then, when I went back to that same spot after respawning he was gone! But then when I went to my house, It was wrecked. It looked like he had blown it up with TNT. And then when I went down to see what was underneath it, there were diamonds! But then when I was about to mine it, Herobrine mined it from underneath, and then I died again! Even though I played a lot of survival, I still loved creative mode. I build this big city with tall buildings, and villagers lived in it along with me. I was like the dictator of the city and I would kill them with my diamond sword because I was dominant. And then I accidentally set my house on fire! I got so upset. But I fixed it and my dog didn’t die. I also built a giant baseball field, too. It was really cool. I put it by an ocean. Then I put a bridge, and it led across the bay to another city. And then I showed it to my friends and they thought I was cool! Do you know about the secret underwater temples that are hidden in maps. One time, I was playing and I found one. I went down into it, and then a creeper came and I died. But in that world, I built a house out of Lapis Lazuli. I really want to go to minecraft sometime and buy a computer so I can play all those fun online games. One time I saw my friend play this Christmas game. And I want to play it too! Also, I wanna play hunger games. It’s the best battle royale. I think when I’m older (Like in 1 year when I’m 9), I’ll be able to get one because then I’ll be super mature and can play games with the world battle in it. I wasn’t allowed to play minecraft for a little bit because it had mine in the name and my mom wanted me to learn to share with my sister, but when I turned 5 a few years ago, I got to start playing it. I feel like minecraft has taught me a lot. Now I bring my diamond sword to school every day, so I can play with it at recess when I get my kindle taken away. Everytime my friends or I find diamonds, we all run over to the teachers and show them. They say they’re super proud of us every single time. At my school we can only have our devices at recess or if a teacher says we can have them out. But I like to sneak my kindle into science class and play minecraft. My teacher never sees me because I sit in the back. I used to do the same thing in ELA while we were supposed to silent read, but I sit by my crush and she said Minecraft was nerdy, so I stopped doing it in that class. I told her I stopped playing Minecraft, but she still doesn’t think I’m cool. It’s a tough life, you feel me? I still love Minecraft, because it’s super fun to play. Sometimes, I stay up really late past my bedtime playing Minecraft in my bed. I’m supposed to be off Minecraft by 8:30, because my bedtime is 9:00. One time, I got caught, though. I lost Minecraft for a week. It was the worst week of my life! Not even because my parents told me not to play Minecraft. I would still go get my Kindle every night when everyone was asleep, play all night, then put it back before they woke up. I was so tired each day. That was last year, in 1st grade. I’m in 2nd grade now I turned 8 a few months ago. I started playing when I was 5. I hate it when people say Minecraft is “irrelevant” or “a meme”. It’s not true and Minecraft is better than every game ever. I wish I could not go to school anymore and just play Minecraft with my friends for the rest of my life and eat junk food. I really like to listen to Ninja at the same time as I play Minecraft on my kindle/mom’s phone. Not while I’m making let’s plays, though because I need it for that. I wish Ninja would play Minecraft because that would be cool and I’d like it. One time I took my mom’s credit card and donated to Ninja and said “Play Minecraft.” He ignored it, though. Then I just bought a bunch of stuff on Minecraft. But then, my Mom found out about it and I got grounded for 8 months. I still stole my mom’s phone and vlogged for my Youtube channel. I upload 8 times a day. I love making my Minecraft videos everyday. I hope I get diamond armor for Christmas this year. One time my friend got some and used it at his birthday party and I had my diamond sword. It was super fun. I was super jealous because I don’t have any armor! People tell me I should go ahead and make the switch to a more popular game like Fortnite. I could never. Minecraft truly is an art. Minecraft is the best game. Minecraft is love. Minecraft is life.

What kind of Minecraft Server is GAMERSQUAD?

GAMERSQUAD is a Minecraft Survival Server that specifically serves players using the Java edition of the game. The server aims to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for players to enjoy a balanced and engaging Survival experience.

Types of Games and Gameplay on GAMERSQUAD?

Minecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. GAMERSQUAD is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including unknown modes.

Server software used to run GAMERSQUAD?

Using custom server software provides additional features, customization options, and plugin support compared to the original Minecraft server jar. This server has registered their server to use the following server software: Spigot

Additional plugins / mods installed on server


How do I join the GAMERSQUAD server?

Join with Minecraft Java edition

  • Click on the Java IP here to copy it: GamerSquad.aternos.me:37303
  • Open Minecraft and click the Multiplayer tab and click Add Server
  • Paste the IP into the Add Server option. Click Done
  • Click Join and enjoy playing on GAMERSQUAD
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