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Java Server IP ⟹server.hangoutmc.com

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: server.hangoutmc.com

So you are here looking for a great vanilla survival server eh? You are 25 or older? You are a nice person a little grumpiness is ok and you would never steal from anyone or grief another players builds? You respect others and can keep it civil in chat? Read on!

HangoutMC is as much about trust and helping each other out as it is about just... well hanging out and dig or build after a long day or in that one hour the baby finally sleeps. Our community consists of people all over the world, we are aged from twenties to sixties, being old foxes and curious newbies, redstoners, detail lovers, casuals, nerds, parents and pizzaeaters! We do not need any fancy addons to prevent theft or griefing, we have our common sense and dignity for that. And we are looking for likeminded players like you!

The server was established in 2016, and has been going strong ever since. We have started as a group of friends from a server that shut down, and have slowly but surely added to the Hangout Family ever since. With a server population of about 60 players, this is a place where people know each other, play together, and frankly just.. Hang out.

We have multiple worlds to play on, the main map being semi vanilla, which is reset yearly. We call each version of the main map seasons.

We do have a rather long application process, but this allows us to get to know the people we consider adding to the family, and so far, its entirely worth it!

If we havent scared you off yet, go to: https://hangoutmc.com/

to find out more.