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Java Server IP ⟹play.resurrection13.com

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.resurrection13.com

Now with even more 1.14.4!

Join our Great Community for PVP, Griefing, Withers and More!

We are a svanilla server, with no server side lag, and 24-7 availability. We actively add new content and hold events, including dragon fights, treasure hunts and pvp battles. We are a great community and you can join. Custom mini games are constantly being worked on and added. We like our members to play an active role in the direction of the servers future.

Only rules are to not cheat, use hacks, or modded clients. Xray and any form of it are banned. Our staff has been picked, and is ready to help. We appreciate the financial support given by our donors and are stable for the future.

No solicitations, trades, ops, or asking for mod upon arrival. Any of the prior may result in a ban.
Solicitations include but are not limited to mean youtube or dev offers.