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Java Server IP ⟹mc.welteinz.de

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: mc.welteinz.de

Hi, this is WELTEINZ and this is our Server..

First things first - If you are looking for a very small and even slower growing community which is pretty picky about their members, then the following might be right up your alley.

This vanilla server is running since 2012 with the same map, wich means if you want to use new biomes, blocks or items you will have to move - its up to you to challenge yourself and start all over again or just take stuff with you.

As I already said, we are a very small community. 4 to 5 people are playing on a weekly base, the rest about 10 is jumping onto the server every now and then.

Average age of our community is round about 30. Would be nice if you fall into that range, but exeptions can be made. Youll need to be at least 18 years old - no exeptions here.

If you feel addressed we would be very pleased to hear - [email protected] from you!
