Minecraft Server icon for HerobrineVote for Herobrine
Java Server IP ⟹Herobrine.org

2 Players have voted for this server in October.
1790660 Votes - All time
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Top Voters

  • CatFarhan - 1 vote
  • Prashant - 1 vote

Recent Comments & Reviews (610) Load More


2024-08-01 08:47:23

noice this is the best server i have ever played


2024-03-31 21:15:58

best server for beginners to play on. The bad part it lags the player out sometimes and sometimes people could hack into others account


2024-03-30 08:43:35

Oh Well, Had a good time. R.I.P. - PG03


2024-03-26 07:30:47

please online this smp i really mis this smp please online please .


2024-03-17 15:06:19

server muito bom, um pouco pay to win, tem muitos dupers mas fazer oq ne


2024-03-14 20:10:56

loving all features and gameplays it connects us to. i dislike nothing but i like the lobby design and how much fun you can have .

Screenshot from Herobrine Minecraft Server

Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: Herobrine.org

Herobrine.org is the top Minecraft server with survival, skyblock, factions, bed wars, sky wars, earth survival, and much more. Your greatest adventure begins here!