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Heyhey! Erythia is a new minecraft server where the goal is for everyone to actually work togheter to build a pretty world. The server features a lot of game progression changes.

Some of the changes are:

Game becomes harder the further you travel!

Expanded enchantments! New enchants, increased enchant level cap. Increased exp costs for higher levels

Ennemy variants, bosses, custom loot

overhauled hunger and farming. Plants take longer to grow but yield more! they also require different arrangment to be efficient Several more food items and recipes.

Seasons! Snow falls in winter and crops dont grow. pollen makes plants grow faster in spring, summer heat can be a bit too much for your character.

Several aspects of the nether and end were changed. They are meant to be things that are more difficult to get to and also be more rewarding.

Overall changes to remove the purpose of auto farms and grinders. While adding more options to obtain resources that are more fun.

New mechanics that youll have to figure out in game!

New recipes that you can discover through gameplay.

New structures! new villages! New dungeons! All generated automatically on the map.

Lots more, it would be way too long to actually document everything on a post.

Several problems that a lot of servers have have been fixed. Notably annoying lag when changing a lot of blocks is non existent, our tps sticks to 20 all the time so far. Mob spawning has also been fixed, players get spawns per player. regardless of other loaded chunks. So alot of mobs somewhere wont make it so nearly nothing spawns near you.

Everything is done so that it integrates into the game without having to memorize a bunch of plugin documentation or any commands. there is not a single command in this server, despite there being many features added.

We dont have too many rules or conditions, but here are the few:

Stay respectful to other members.

Griefing and non-consensual pvp is not allowed.

Making stuff like autofarms, grinders is also not allowed. There are also changes done to render those worthless while giving players more options

If you would like to join, or ask questions. Just add me on discord: Carl0360

Custom, Essentials, RPGmobs, a lot more