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Enigmacraft, looking for adult players for a small vanilla minecraft community We do have some datapacks

Due to 1.16 releasing soonTM
with minor world gen changes happening, we will be removing chunks in the overworld manually, so you will need to tell us where you are setting up shop to prevent the chunkmonster from eating your base.
The nether will be fully reset for the new world gen there, dont put in effort building things youre not willing to lose there once 1.16 drops.

Were a small friend group in our late 20s early 30s mostly and have been playing on the server for a few months in the evenings and were looking for new players that would like to come play with us. Were looking for similair people so I am avoiding taking in young players.

The idea is to have a group of players playing long term and using spawn as a shoping district to sell items to help people get the resources they need.

The server is quite inspired by some popular servers in the past that I wont name by name so that the thread doesnt show up when people search for those keywords :P I just love the concept.

It doesnt really matter where you are from aslong as we keep the chat English and as long as you can handle the latency and the active hours EU server

We generally play during the european evenings GMT+1 with a early bird or a night crawler here and there

Admins are active or at the very least reachable most of the time, some people have my personal number in case of all hell breaking loose
Firespread: off
Difficulty: Hard
100 uptime
2 hourly backups on site, and we do make manual backups off-site ourselves
We use our community discord as our main way of communicating
We run Spigot

Logblock to help admins investigate if issues do arise with new players joining

Anti creeper grief Actually looking for a way to have it damage players while not doing block damage
Anti enderman grief
Anti ghast grief Does damage players
Double shulker shells on shulker kill
Dragon drops elytra and some shulker shells
Mob heads
Player heads
Multiplayer sleep
Wandering trader microblocks

Were here to have fun, most is common sense/common courtesy anyway but
heres a list to make sure were on the same page and to give you a
idea of the mindset were aiming for.

Have respect for people, their belongings
and their time.

Client side mods like a journeymap, lightleveloverlay, armorhud are fine
game breaking mods like xray,fly,speed,jump are not.

No duping of items, the only exception being tnt dupers which use ingame mechanics and only if for a reasonable application

Keep things normal, we dont need hidden symbols, slurs, imagery or shrines to controversial matters or other things in the same line of thought.
Were a English speaking community, please keep it to English
Please leave the trees at spawn and around any other builds outside of spawn alone if there are any,
they are probably decoration, move a ways out where there are no builds :P

Dont build too close to other people, they might want to expand in the future..
if you are within render distance, I would say you are probably too close and should at the very least talk to the person to make sure its alright before you continue.

no Griefing. Period.
If you do anything to anyones stuff on accident,
leave a sign with your name so we know it wasnt mallicious. jokes and pranks are fine but dont go overboard in frequency and scale.. clean up takes time.

no Stealing, if you need something, go get it yourself, buy it at a shop at spawn, or ask permission to take it.

no PVP unless both parties agree, if you do engage with a player in any way, be prepared to make sure they get
their stuff back if for some dumb reason they do die because you gave
them a little love tap.

If a sign says anything like..
dont touch.. dont touch
dont use.. dont use
reserved by.. dont do anything with it
If for whatever reason you feel like you should be able to touch, use or want to have the reserved spot.. contact
whoever it belong to and try and work it out

Be lag aware.. although the server has been running perfectly fine
sofar, its a hosted server and its minecraft.. if we do stupid
things well notice the effects eventually.

A little mentality thing when it comes to farms, shops and builds
Players make builds, shops and farms..
they are theirs to use and theirs to grant access or refuse whoever they wish.
Personally I for instance have a creeper farm, I sell gunpowder/rockets at spawn and grant no-one access to the farm itself.
competing shops and farms are fine in a sense, but if the redstone involved in the farm is quite laggy it may
be frowned upon making more of those types of farms for that reason.
Instead you could make a shop for a other resource to gain your own diamond income to purchase goods from other stores wtih, this way you provide resources or a service for other players, while also getting to purchase the things you want, win-win
and in in some cases the mob cap isnt shared, laggy contraptions arent running double for same thing, triple-win

Can i haz admin? No.

MC Username:
What is your age:
Which country you are from:
What kind of player and person are you?:
Anything you would like to know that I forgot to mention in that long post?:

If you are so inclined, please visit the minecraft forum and help us reach more people by leaving your application there obviously posting it here works just as well, I will check both posts
to go to the forum click visit server website on the top right
or copy and paste

Dynmap, Datapacks