Minecraft Server icon for PELARPELAR
Java Server IP ⟹mc.pelar.ee

Java IP:mc.pelar.ee
Server Status:Online
Last Ping: 5 minutes ago
Server Version: 1.21
Players Online:1 / 100
Submitted:2020-07-05 17:08:10
Updated:2025-01-20 15:48:57
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4.9 stars based on 77 reviews
Votes in February:521
Votes - all time:34395
External Links: Server Website

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Recent Comments & Reviews (77) Load More

Chill server! People friendly and they help u if u need!


I like building and thats it. Some shops need to refill or someting


top server maybe in lõunan eesti :D you can build ur dram houyse if u collect ur dram stuff :


pealse write more to ensure your review gets approved. explain to others


U can build house and die like real man :D Good+


Seksi kiisu server nii hea server. Sigma adminid ! Kõik inimesed suht sõbralikud

Pelar on yle 9 aasta tegutsenud Eesti Minecraft Survival server.
Meid tuntakse kogenud meeskonnaga, m6nusa m2ngijaskonnaga ning auhindadega ehitusvistluseid pakkuva serverina.
Peale seiklemise saab meil v6idelda ka PVP-areenil, uurida maailma livemapilt ning lobiseda Discordis.
Oleme ka Eesti esimene server, mida saab m2ngida telefonis, tahvlis ja VRis!

What kind of Minecraft Server is PELAR?

PELAR is a Minecraft Survival Server that specifically serves players using the Java edition of the game. The server aims to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for players to enjoy a balanced and engaging Survival experience.

  • Java Server IP: mc.pelar.ee
  • Minecraft Version: The server operates on version 1.21

Types of Games and Gameplay on PELAR?

Minecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. PELAR is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including PVP modes.

Server software used to run PELAR?

Using custom server software provides additional features, customization options, and plugin support compared to the original Minecraft server jar. This server has registered their server to use the following server software: Craftbukkit

How do I join the PELAR server?

Join with Minecraft Java edition

  • Click on the Java IP here to copy it: mc.pelar.ee
  • Open Minecraft and click the Multiplayer tab and click Add Server
  • Paste the IP into the Add Server option. Click Done
  • Click Join and enjoy playing on PELAR
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