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Java Server IP ⟹crimsonanarchy.xyz

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: crimsonanarchy.xyz

CrimsonMC is a new anarchy server based on Minecraft version 1.12.2 (though up to 1.17.1 can join)

The map is currently around 2 months old. Spawn isn't totally griefed to the moon yet, so it shouldn't be too difficult to make your escape! But you'd better act quickly and make your mark on CrimsonMC forever!

The server rules are

There are no rules.

On the server we have
Relaxed anti cheat, meaning all major hacks will work without any problems.
If you can find a dupe that works, you're allowed to abuse it to your hearts content.
The ability to create your own gang and ally/enemy with other gangs. However gangs do not effect PvP, you will still be able to hit your gang members and allies. There is also a leaderboard which ranks the top gangs based on their amount of kills.
Worked extremely hard to make sure players experience as little lag as possible, while still maintaining the ability to have functioning player farms, and other vanilla aspects.
The world will never reset, meaning whatever you choose to create will be forever cemented in the history of CrimsonMC!

Come and join this fresh new world and make your mark!

Server IP: crimsonanarchy.xyz