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Java Server IP ⟹play.thrillcraft.online

Thrill Craft
0 Players have voted for this server in May.
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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.thrillcraft.online

Thrill Craft is a survival server that offers ranks and extra /sethomes for voting, grief protection, custom player shops and friendly staff!

We preserve your survival experience, and do not allow or griefing or scamming, which means all your builds are items are completely safe. If you like pure survival, with a lot of PVP this is the server for you!

Each vote gets you closer to the next rank up, and each new rank gets you additional /sethome slots.

Use the wild warp waterfall at spawn to get far away and start your game! It sends you somewhere within a 10,000 block radius of spawn.

The world border is 25,000 blocks so there are plenty of unexplored biomes to discover and build in! We have several servers, one for each major region of the world to ensure the lowest ping possible for our servers. (Items will be synced between servers, and we will maintain the same semi-vanilla server set).

Also make sure to visit our player shops, where you can try your hand at making your own fortune by trading with other players! (Soon to be released!)

Essentials, Votifier, Custom Enchants, Economy Shop