Minecraft Server icon for  BlockBase - Your Minecraft Server Vote for BlockBase - Your Minecraft Server
Java Server IP ⟹BlockBase.ender-zone.com

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: BlockBase.ender-zone.com

Who are we? (Can you eat this?: P)
We are a small Minigame/CityBuild project run by a few people. This is one of the first servers we have ourselves. Our goal is to have an average of 50 online players who are not part of the team. Since the server is still under construction, and we are not a professional team, bugs or lags can occur. We ask you not to blame us for this, the server is still under construction! There is no real money shop, ranks and features can be bought in-game!
Of course, our server is online 24/7 and there for you. Bungee cord has been set up for you! There is a cool lobby system - cosmetics and features are of course free for all players! It would be important that you come to our Discord (https://discord.gg/Z86dBFfRm3) when you come to our server. Almost all active players are online in the Discord and present in the talk c: (And no: You can't eat our server: P)

What do we offer? Our server is basically a city build, paintball and anarchy server. Our team always tries to bring new action into the game with new upgrades c:
In the Lobby there is an AdminShop to promote Redstone Farms (/ warp AdminShop), a daily reward (/ kit daily) for a box of keys that can be redeemed at / warp CaseOpening, and in-game ranks (/ rankup) (more details in the Discord) . Of course we offer a help menu for new players (/ help)
Unfortunately, plugins are not coded themselves, but are optimized for the server as much as possible. A Discord for Minecraft Lifechat is also integrated.
We guarantee for events! There are also other small mini games such as PaintBall and Bedwars or Parkour.

Very good ones!