Minecraft Server icon for 8 builders 8 toolsVote for 8 builders 8 tools
Java Server IP ⟹8b8t.me

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  • quesodelechenice - 1 vote
  • ItsNotXen - 1 vote
  • Ace_Keef - 1 vote

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: 8b8t.me

8b8t was created in early 2021 and has been online for over a year. As of February 17, 2022, the map is over 2000 Gigabytes in size and there are over 148 thousand unique player joins in 8b8t. The server was originally created after Leee's main server at the time, also known as 6b6t, was backdoored and removed by a close friend of his. 8b8t is pretty much the original 6b6t but renamed and better in almost every way.

It is a server that has an average of 50 to 100 players. It's a server where you can do whatever you want following the only 3 rules: no spam, no crashes, no lags. It can be played in both versions of Minecraft Java and Bedrock. The server is located on a computer owned by the owner Leee.