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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: callatos_craft.apexmc.co:25816

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/CfsBc7vxkD
Welcome to CallatosCraft! We are a LGBTQ+ Friendly whitelisted, SMP, Hermitcraft-like Minecraft Server. We are currently starting a new season, so there is not a better time to join. On CallatosCraft we have a fun, friendly, and dedicated community that welcomes new players with open arms! Our goal is to maintain an environment that is inclusive to everyone, and we are always looking for new players to join our SMP! We have a few plugins on this server and these include;

. Graves - Ensures your items are safe and have an easier cahnce for recovery.

. Drop Heads - Allows you to decapitate players and mobs and get their heads.

. BetterTeams - Allows you to create a team for yourself and your friends, (this is not like factions, it's like parties)

. SinglePlayerSleep - Allows you to sleep in a bed just how you can in singleplayer.

. Armor Stand Tools - Allows you to better customize the position of armorstands and more!

. DiscordSRV - Allows you to connect and interact with players ingame from discord!

. Coreprotect - Ensures that everyone is safe from grief or theft without any land claiming of any sort.

----------- Community

No matter what your play style is, you are welcome on CallatosCraft SMP. We have a down to earth and engaging community who is dedicated to our server. We have a lot of projects and events in the server to keep our community involved.

----------- Commitment to The Vanilla Experience

We are committed to the Vanilla experience here on CallatosCraft and we'd like you to know that! We do have a few plugins that are quality of life, but we don't have any game changing plugins like teleporting, flight, currency, or anything like that!

Application Process

CallatosCraft has a thorough whitelist process so we can cultivate our community right out the gate. We've been successful in curating a community that is friendly, interesting, and overall, a joy to be a part of. The majority of our players are over the age of 18, and our server does not have an age exception. Our whitelist process is as follows:

Agree to our rules before being able to submit an application, this ensures the vast majority of our players understand our rules before joining our community.

We are looking for a standard of quality in our applications that illustrate passion for Minecraft and our community. Our application is designed for us to get to know you, so keep that in mind when you write it out. We aren't looking for an essay, but a couple sentences are what we expect!

If you don't meet our standards, don't worry! We give all applicants a chance to edit their applications to meet these standards.