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Java Server IP ⟹chunkymonkey.fun

Chunky Monkey SMP
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Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Chunky Monkey SMP Minecraft Server

Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: chunkymonkey.fun

chunkymonkey.funWe are ChunkyMonkey! A SMP server with a global economy, custom god items, McMMO and much more!

This server is geared towards survival with ton of fun expansions! We're heavily focused on the economy, bringing you a unique experience with the ability to turn almost every item into cash! You can also buy almost every item in the game, plus god items like a fortune 6 pickaxe! Read below to see some of the amazing things we have to offer over here at ChunkyMonkey.

Join us! at chunkymonkey.fun

Sell almost every block for cash! Everything has a buy and sell value! Grind your favorite aspect of the game and easily turn your surplus of items into useful cash! Players love being able to turn their hard earned crops or spawner loot into building blocks or rank upgrades!No real money necessary!

This server also provides a FREE ranking system available in the shop GUI! Every rank you purchase from the shop will grant you special abilities, like shop discounts, fly time, Talismans and so much more! This progression system is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the server! Flex your rank with your earned prefix!

Buyable claims! Claim as much land as you'd like, as long as you can afford it!'/kit claim' to get started

Rent any building you'd like as long as you can afford it! Use '/warp ' to visit leasable buildings.

We have tons of plugins like SlimeFun with shop integration, McMMO, Mythic Mobs and custom God Items!

Earn FREE flight time through upgrading your in game rank!

Find where you want to build the ultimate base with our live 3D map!

If you're in the mood to explore, start some NPC quests! They can also grant you extra cash!

Earn particles and trails through the server shop! No real money necessary!

chunkymonkey.fun Bedrock Port: 19243

Slimefun, Essentials, Dynmap, MCMMO, Economy, Shop, Graves,