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Phamily SMP
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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: survival.risingdawn.fun:25503

-= Rising Dawn Network | Phamily SMP =-

Welcome to the server!

We are a small whitelisted server, centered around YouTube-sensation "Phineapoo"/"The Phamily". Yes, we have a whitelist, but it is super-easy to join! Simply go to our website (listed on this page) and navigate to the whitelist page; from there, you will go to our store page, navigate to the whitelist page, then add your username (if you are a Bedrock account, contact TobyMinceraft on Discord at https://discord.risingdawn.fun).

Notable Features
0) Ability to set homes (/sethome NameOfHome) and teleport to them
0) A mining world for obtaining resources (DO NOT BUILD HERE - the world resets every time the server restarts)
0) Ability to randomly teleport in the mining world (/rtp)
0) Ability to locate a specific biome in the mining world (/locate biome BiomeType); you cannot teleport to it, but you can get its location

Please Note
0) Server restarts daily at 12am EST (GMT-4)
0) Griefing will NOT be tolerated, where doing so will ban you from the server; if you feel you were unjustly banned, please make a ban-appeal on our Discord by contacting an Admin

Skript, EditableSign, ClearLag, Non-Specific Odyssey, Geyser, Essentials, ViaVersion, TreeFeller