Minecraft Server icon for BredCraftVote for BredCraft
Java Server IP ⟹mc.bredcraft.com

0 Players have voted for this server in May.
135 Votes - All time
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  • BredGingerman - 2 votes
  • sventhereindeer - 1 vote
  • xndrxs - 1 vote
  • illlegal - 1 vote
  • dam3kster - 1 vote
  • Terraaa - 1 vote
  • oluvva - 1 vote
  • namjune - 1 vote
  • Marchita - 1 vote
  • Nithresh - 1 vote

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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: mc.bredcraft.com

SERVER IP: play.bredcraft.com or mc.bredcraft.com
Cracked Clients Allowed Some Limited AntiCheat to keep hacks under control but still functioning but no bans/kicks for hacks.

***Not all areas are Pure Anarchy, we have some worlds for minigames, but the SMP worlds are 100% unmoderated, and no bans given for "hacks". We do have the right to issue bans as we see fit, but we're pretty lax even in the areas with rules (yes we have rules, see below) (Here you go _Haxington_, now it's more clear so you don't get confused)***

Multi World Server, with the following accessible from our LOBBY WORLD:
2x Anarchy SMP Worlds
Skyblock World
Arena World
Plot World

1) Keep the toxicity in check, we're not your mom so we're not gonna babysit everything you do or say.. but if you get out of control, you're gone. Know where to draw the line!

2) Don't be griefing my lobby, I spent entirely too long making it. Yes it has perms setup to prevent that, but things happen/break, show some respect if you notice a bug that lets you break things you probably shouldn't.. DON'T. I run this server for free and pay for everything out of my own pocket.

3) I know it says "Anarchy" but if you lag the server... even in the anarchy worlds.. I'll have to kick you and destroy the lag machine, bans will be issued if you keep it up, or are intentionally trying to break the server.

4) We have an economy setup in game to help cut down some of the grind, if you find an exploit that allows infinite items or money.. it'll be fixed, but we won't ban or remove the items you already had, so better stock up while you have the chance.

5) The Arena/PVP world is there as a meeting place for people to find fights more easily. Don't go in there if you don't want killed. If you die in the arena, you'll also drop a head showing the manner in which you died, and who killed you. They make great trophies.

5) Don't ask for your items replaced if you lose them by dying. Keep inventory is off to make PVP more exciting. We have graves to get your stuff back if you die outside of pvp, but if someone takes your stuff before you get back to your grave, you're out of luck.

6) Ranks are purely cosmetic and have no actual use. Perms are the same for everyone, and no we will not give you a rank for simply asking. Play enough and we will notice and rank you up if we see fit.

7) Don't spam chat, don't advertise your server in chat, and don't sit in the lobby begging for free stuff. We'll mute you for any of this. It makes it hard for the people actually playing to communicate with one another.

8) This is a really long list of rules for an 'ANARCHY SERVER', and I'm well aware. Keep in mind that while cracked clients, griefing, and things of that nature may be what you're here for.. not everyone is. So we do have some guidelines in place to allow for other playstyles alongside 'hackers'. If you don't like that, play 2b2t or some other pure anarchy server. We're trying something more unique here.

9) If you didn't notice there were 2 rule #5's you probably need to reread the rules, because if you ask a question in game that's already answered in this list of rules (which are also in the book given upon joining, and available through /rules) then it will be ignored.

Join Us in Minecraft!


SERVER IP: play.bredcraft.com
DISCORD: https://bit.ly/bredcraftdc
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/bredcraft
WEBSITE: http://www.bredcraft.com


Join our minecraft world today! Our open beta rewards players for playing during this phase, with ingame items and currency, and even server ranks for our top contributors!

We're also looking for staff members currenty, if you're interested visit our discord to apply (link above).

You will run into bugs until our full release, but you'll be rewarded for helping us find those bugs, so be sure to let a member of staff know (either in game or through discord).


Our Goal is to build the server that our members WANT to play on. We take server recommendations seriously and implement as many of the requests as possible (not all requests can be implemented unfortunately - due to plugin incompatibility and conflicting requests).


We're hosted on a dedicated physical server to allow our server full access to that machine's resources. We keep console logs and chat logs for a minimum of 14 days to ensure a fair, safe environment for our players. We can review any claims of rule-breaking that we receive and deal with the rule breakers appropriately!

BetterRTP, Citizens, DeluxeHuBetterRTP, Citizens, EcoBosses, EssentialsX, ExcellentCrates, Graves, HeadDrop, IridiumSkyblock, mcMMO, Multiverse, MythicMobs, Oh_the_dungeons_youll_go, PlayerParticles, PlotSquared, SilkSpawners_v2, TradeSystem, Vault