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A world with old and new types of terrain.

All new players will start from the spawn castle.
A high and triangle like shape, it is a inspiration of the indev pyramids.

The castle have 4 obsidian highways thats starts from here, going in each direction.
You can se that each sides in the main room have a letter right over each highways thats represent the compass direction.

There is a warp room that conects to some places from other worlds! And a tradingpost that are usefull for selling and buying blocks and items, on the west side of the main room.

The Hub Word is a maze-like world that conects the multiverse of worlds!
These worlds can have diffrent gamemode.
Classic worlds and flat worlds are often in creative mode.

But creative and survival mode has separated inventories, that means there are not meant to cheat in the game!
Walking from a creative world to a survival
world with items right from the previous world is not possible, but there is possible to buy stufs from the vendors or villagers;)

Important, it is recommended to use minimap, worldmap and
not least Optifine.
Because the server's resource pack uses functions that require Optifine to work, including classic, indev and alpha areas have their own textures and elsewhere.
You can also use Optifine on fabric, but then you have to install Optifabric in addition.
