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Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda
0 Players have voted for this server in May.
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Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server
Screenshot from Ilu Ambar - Enquenta Arda Minecraft Server

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A LOTRmodded minecraft server for people who wish to experience custom roleplay, building and adventuring in Tolkiens legendary realm Middle-earth, during the Third Age. The timeline for this servers roleplay starts at the eleventy-first birthday of Bilbo, Shire reckoning 1401.

The server provides a gameplay environment aimed at long-term immersive roleplay survival, with focus on in-character roleplay, building, PvE and consented PvP. The server world is Middle-earth and uses the LOTRmod the way it is designed to be used.

Survival mechanics are set to encourage planning ahead: incapacitation comes with a partial loss of inventory and a random body relocation, and fast transport is restricted.

The server has a ruleset and serverside mods a.o. PvP Mode mod to support player roleplay immersion and empowerment, and minimum staff monitoring and intervention.

Players require the following 6 mods to be able to join: LOTRmod, ArmourersWorkshop, AstikorCarts, BiblioCraft, CyanosLootableBodies and MineTweaker. All are included in this Technic pack: Ilurambarla.

All players are equal and neither staff nor sponsors receive any benefits in-game.

The server aims for a community of players who value the server gameplay objectives above the predominantly short-term oriented PvP survival faction warfare that is typical for most minecraft factions/rp/rpg servers. The typical community member is mature, aims for long-term roleplay building and is relatively self-sufficient regarding the gathering of information and in-game resources. The server is whitelisted to ensure players who are allowed to join are aware of their behavioural responsibility. Whitelisting is controlled by trusted players via the Discord server.

Players are recruited from the communities in minecraft focussed on the LOTRmod and themed roleplay.

In-game all player characters are encouraged to physically act in-character at all times, except for OOC events. Chatting can be out-of-character in assigned chat channels.

Players will be able to toggle their ability to hit or get hit by other players and hired units in friendly and neutral biomes. In enemy biomes, players are free game.

Characters can be in charge of land they control with the mods banner protection system. Any other political rule is to be arranged for by the players. Characters can only claim control of areas around their own bannered bases in their own faction home biomes or neutral lands. Banner placement in enemy biomes is prohibited.

The world political map is static with respect to the faction home biomes. There is only taking over of lands / conquest warfare in neutral biomes and only with affected players consent.

The server offers options to create and organise staged battles using the SiegeMode mod. Players can create scenes and organise battles or sieges with minimal staff support.

New players start in a spawn area where they can select one of several tens of sub-factions. Upon selection they are granted a bonus alignment with the faction of their choice and two allied factions, they get negative alignment with all enemy factions defined by the mod, and are then teleported to the spawn location of their choice. Faction selection is a one-way process ... but players are allowed to create new characters and even resume playing old characters every week!

Players do not unlock access to The Shire upon joining the server and they start with nothing in their inventory. The sub-faction spawn locations are simple platforms and are protected to ensure no enemy units or invasions spawn in an area stretching about 64 blocks surrounding the stall of their sub-factions middleman, which is also located there. Players will have to gather their resources and craft their gear themselves, or get it from other faction members on the spot. HOLD: Voting for the server can boost your early game foor supplies and your bannering and purchasing power.

This server is a relaunch of the original ' Quenta Arda' that ran from 15 january 2019 until 26 august 2023. The world is generated with the same seed and holds many of the best survival builds from the original server.

LOTRmod, Lembas, PvP Mode mod, SiegeMode mod, FastLeafDecay, Emmaitar, Votifier, CustomNPCs, BiblioCraft, AstikorCarts, ArmourersWorkshop, LootableBodies, MineTweaker