Minecraft Server icon for Ram WarRam War
Java Server IP ⟹mc.ramwar.net

Ram War
Java IP:mc.ramwar.net
Server Status:Offline
Last Ping: 4 months ago
Server Version: 1.20.4
Players Online:0 / 60
Submitted:2023-09-26 01:17:04
Updated:2023-09-26 11:37:46
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Country:United States
Ram War
5 stars based on 1 reviews
Votes in February:0
Votes - all time:1
External Links: Discord

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Recent Comments & Reviews (1)

I literally made it :D It's literally everything I've ever wanted in an FPS.

Screenshot from Ram War Minecraft Server
Welcome to RAM WAR!!!

Minecraft's up-and-coming FPS!!!!!

Ram War is an incredibly fast-paced team-shooter with several awesome weapon classes to choose from!

Work together to claim the RAM and take it to your enemy's base!

Claim the colored tiles of the arena to gain speed, invisibility, and ammo!

Pick from weapons including:

  BOW: Snipe enemies from afar, and use your explosive arrow to wipe out large crowds of people.
  SCYTHE: Kill enemies with a single swing, and use your bucket for a boost of speed.
  BUBBLE BOMB: Surround yourself in slow moving insta-kill bombs, and float across large gaps.
  SHOTGUN: Blast through everyone in front of you, and rocket jump all over the map.
  CHAIN BLADES: Chain yourself to the ground to gain invincibility, then snap the chain to go on an unstoppable killing spree.
  RAILRIFLE: Shoot enemies to gain invincibility, then teleport back to previous locations with the anchor.
  GILSENG: Lob arced bombs... We're still working on this one okay...
  BIPED BOMB: Place down massive mines, then knock them around to insta-kill enemies.

There are over 20 playable maps with many more to come!

Come be a part of the universe's story and lore!
Where everything is completely normal :)))

What kind of Minecraft Server is Ram War?

Ram War is a Minecraft PvP Server that specifically serves players using the Java edition of the game. The server aims to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for players to enjoy a balanced and engaging unknown experience.

Types of Games and Gameplay on Ram War?

Minecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. Ram War is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including PVP modes.

Server software used to run Ram War?

Using custom server software provides additional features, customization options, and plugin support compared to the original Minecraft server jar. This server has registered their server to use the following server software: Spigot

Additional plugins / mods installed on server


How do I join the Ram War server?

Join with Minecraft Java edition

  • Click on the Java IP here to copy it: mc.ramwar.net
  • Open Minecraft and click the Multiplayer tab and click Add Server
  • Paste the IP into the Add Server option. Click Done
  • Click Join and enjoy playing on Ram War
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