Vote for Minecraft Ultra
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Minecraft Ultra
0 Players have voted for this server in May.
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Minecraft Ultra is the same vanilla minecraft you are familiar with, but much harder.

Each time you lose all of your health, a recovery period must pass to allow yourself to heal before you can continue your adventure. This is to encourage and focus the gameplay on survival. PVP is enabled, however the world is awash with danger so decide wisely to make enemies or allies of other players.

Mobs are tougher.

In the overworld, the further you travel from spawn, the tougher the mobs become. The levels will appear over each mob so you can decide how far you are ready to travel to the outer regions of the world which is 64k in each direction from spawn.

Sleeping regularly is recommended as it prevents phantoms which are deadly, but does not skip the night.

Giants spawn naturally and will attack on sight.

Rabid wolves and rabbits roam wild in the overworld and chickens will fight back when attacked.

Villagers trapped in small areas will become lobotomised.

All creepers are naturally charged making their explosions twice as powerful.

The world will not reset without players approval in discord.

Players can learn mcmmo skills which will be retained even if the world is reset.

Bows can have both infinity and mending enchantments.

In the Nether, mobs get tougher at the lower levels making the deeper regions more deadly.

Both the Nether and End are 24k in each direction.

WARNING!!! This is a Minecraft hardcore survival experience.