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Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: berionas.serverminer.com:26487

Our server has an extensive history of lore spanning back 2 years. You will not find more exciting, fun, and engaging lore on any other server

 An extensive modpack that adds not only quality of life mods, but also unique mobs, dimensions, space exploration, new weapons, guns, armored, and even mods made by our staff that you can't find anywhere else. Anything you could ever want out of an origins modpack. Oh yeah- did I mention we have origins?

A beautifully built world featuring a wide array of towns and landmarks to discover.

Money and bounty system that provides tons of fun!

Regularly released animatics, fanart and more by our members and mods!

Finally, our biggest project yet, Berionas the movie. This will showcase the long awaited finale to the original Berionas series. This is our most ambitious lore project, and you wont want to miss it.

Following a rift forming within their universe, the Demigod of Life, Omega is tasked with rebanding the Council of Demigods and saving the universe from certain doom.***

For modpack, join the discord!