Minecraft Server icon for New Lands SurvivalVote for New Lands Survival
Java Server IP ⟹play.nlnds.com
Bedrock IP/Port ⟹ play.nlnds.com:19132

New Lands Survival
0 Players have voted for this server in October.
385 Votes - All time
Top Voters

Top Voters

  • NegativeInfinity - 5 votes
  • Djdoge2907 - 1 vote
  • yellowcrocman - 1 vote
  • AlfAlfPc - 1 vote

Recent Comments & Reviews (1)


2024-03-31 17:05:37

I like the community and how helpful they can be, i also like that the admins are always up to something, not really much to dislike

Screenshot from New Lands Survival Minecraft Server

Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: play.nlnds.com

New Lands Survival is a public survival server with a relaxing vibe, friendly community, and hard difficulty survival!

We protect your game with self-service land protection and active staff who are ready to help.

Every player starts somewhere new! We do not have a main spawn and start every player somewhere in the survival world, just like vanilla Minecraft!

You can add custom enchantments to your items, level up your skills like an RPG, and enjoy quality-of-life improvements like sleep voting!