Minecraft Server icon for HaZey AnarchyVote for HaZey Anarchy
Java Server IP ⟹Play.HaZeyNetwork.com
Bedrock IP/Port ⟹ Play.HaZeyNetwork.com:19132

66 Players have voted for this server in December.
4127 Votes - All time
Top Voters

Top Voters

  • Kovku - 3 votes
  • harrythesexy - 2 votes
  • Azvey - 1 vote
  • TheLara - 1 vote
  • whostolemycat - 1 vote
  • LI69 - 1 vote
  • _Kenken - 1 vote
  • Eumaos - 1 vote
  • TheHolyKnigth - 1 vote
  • VanixXD - 1 vote

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Recent Comments & Reviews (22) Load More


2024-06-02 23:38:31

when they say anarchy they mean anarchy its great for once to fine a real anarchy server with no rules unlike all the fakes out there


2024-05-18 12:46:52

i have always loved playing on hazeynetwork but i do say there new anarchy is the best yet


2024-05-18 12:38:34

server is 10/10 for all hardcore no rules lots of players


2024-05-18 12:29:56

great server and its real anarchy no rules recommended for all anarchy players


2024-05-18 12:24:11

DJ_Chips here and im gonna win the most votes prize this month!


2024-05-03 11:28:48

real Dupes real no limited speech the new hub for me

Screenshot from HaZey Anarchy Minecraft Server

Server IP - Copy to Minecraft Client to Play: Play.HaZeyNetwork.com

Welcome to HaZeyNetwork, a Minecraft server that offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all skill levels, Real Anarchy With No Rules No Map Resets

Supported Game Versions: ( 1.12.2 - 1.21.x )

Join Our Discord 400+ Members
Discord: https://discord.gg/3efF322vSd

With a focus on Anarchy gameplay, PvP, Survival,
Explore the world, Gather resources, build your own Team, and become a powerful force in the community. With daily voting rewards, and a variety of activities to keep you engaged. However you'll need to be careful of rebels and other players who may try to overthrow your rule. But beware, as there are No Rules you'll need to protect your base from potential attacks by other players. Whether you're looking for a peaceful life as a builder or a more aggressive role as a raider, there's a place for you on HaZey. So what are you waiting for? Join the server today and start your own adventure in this exciting Minecraft world. Whether you're a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, there's something for everyone on HaZey.