Filter / Search for Minecraft Servers

This page is designed to help you find the perfect Minecraft server. Using the filter and search options, you can easily narrow down the list of servers that meet your specific criteria.

To use the filter, simply select the options in the grey box above. This includes options for the type of Minecraft server you are looking for, the server version, and the country or location. After making your selections, the filter will generate a list of potential servers for you to play on. The servers are sorted by the number of votes they have received this month, so you can easily see which servers are the most popular.

Searching for servers with the following features:

+ Minecraft 1.21 Servers Version

Rank Server IP Address
Complex Gaming
Welcome to Complex Gaming! We offer many gamemodes which provide endless fun for everyone including pokemon in minecraft, skyblock, factions, survival, and much much more! ...
Players Online: 3473 / 5000
Votes (June): 50067
Votes (all time): 4820422

PikaNetwork is a Cracked Minecraft server! Open to both Regular and Cracked players. Our server's player base is intermittently growing since it's first released, ...
Players Online: 2781 / 6500
Votes (June): 17030
Votes (all time): 1688868

JartexNetwork is a Cracked Minecraft server! Open to both Regular and Cracked players. Our server's player base is intermittently growing since it's first released...
Players Online: 1438 / 5000
Votes (June): 14650
Votes (all time): 1571196

Havoc Games // The Mining
🔫GUNS IN MINECRAFT!!🔫 Fight off zombies and players alike in our fully custom gamemodes! 🧟THE MINING DEAD: In this Minecraft rendition of AMC's The Walki...
Players Online: 291 / 1000
Votes (June): 13637
Votes (all time): 1564126

Experience the boundless adventures awaiting you at! Embark on a journey through a plethora of exhilarating game modes, blending both timeless classics and ...
Players Online: 312 / 5000
Votes (June): 11379
Votes (all time): 38834

Penguin GG
Welcome to Penguin.GG! We are a brand new network launched in 2022. Come join SB737 as he plays and records with his community! We currently offer an amazing Skyblock ...
Players Online: 169 / 500
Votes (June): 10891
Votes (all time): 602065

🟪 Purple Prison: The Ultimate Minecraft Prison Experience Since 2014! 🟪 Welcome to Purple Prison! Since our inception in 2014, we've set the standard for Minec...
Players Online: 115 / 1000
Votes (June): 6528
Votes (all time): 1138978

Welcome to LemonCloud! We offer Factions, Skyblock, Survival, and more! Join now on any Minecraft version with IP: [ ] for endless fun!...
Players Online: 6650 / 6651
Votes (June): 6035
Votes (all time): 1521363



#13 us

The home of Skyblock! Survival at its best! Create your own Skyblock and play with others! Playable on Java & Bedrock! [1.8 - 1.20.2] Over 5+ million unique pl...
Players Online: 105 / 750
Votes (June): 5351
Votes (all time): 1860735

Simple Survival
JAVA IP: BEDROCK IP: (Port: 19132) Simple Survival is a survival Minecraft server offering a wide range of possibilities to enh...
Players Online: 69 / 300
Votes (June): 5211
Votes (all time): 557756

CatCraft Survival
WE'VE JUST UPDATED TO 1.20 - FEATURING THE LATEST TRAILS & TALES UPDATE! Come join our survival server to explore the new cherry biomes, archeology, mobs and world ...
Players Online: 115 / 250
Votes (June): 4754
Votes (all time): 182908

We are a brand new survival server with completely custom plugins and a fresh map for our players to begin adventuring on. Every player has access to a randomtp so you can ...
Players Online: 21 / 22
Votes (June): 4679
Votes (all time): 11288



#17 us

Minecadia, founded in 2021, is a server known for its popular Minecraft game modes, such as Factions, Skyblock, Survival, and OneBlock. Since it's opening, Minecadia ha...
Players Online: 795 / 5000
Votes (June): 4518
Votes (all time): 252847

Vortex Network
Vortex Network is a space-themed Minecraft server featuring popular game modes such as Prison, Skyblock, Survival and Pixelmon! IP: Discord: https...
Players Online: 1133 / 3000
Votes (June): 4417
Votes (all time): 417633



#19 us

LeoneMC is a fun and high quality Minecraft Server Network with fun games like Lifesteal SMP, Random Kit PvP, Elytra Box PvP, Knockback FFA 1.8 PvP, Gens Tycoon & much m...
Players Online: 332 / 5000
Votes (June): 4181
Votes (all time): 98853



#20 us

CCNet Nations is a geopolitical server set on a 1:1000 map of Earth. Found a town and band together with others to form a nation. Strike alliances with other nations or ...
Players Online: 91 / 300
Votes (June): 3701
Votes (all time): 166613