Minecraft Servers in Germany
Find top German Minecraft servers to play on! Join the best Minecraft servers in Germany and connect with players speaking German. Discover your perfect server today!
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 45 / 500 Votes (January): 2375 Votes (all time): 72729 |
Players Online: 10 / 100 Votes (January): 671 Votes (all time): 135289 |
Players Online: 3 / 500 Votes (January): 335 Votes (all time): 205227 |
Players Online: 9 / 50 Votes (January): 325 Votes (all time): 5491 |
Players Online: 6 / 500 Votes (January): 274 Votes (all time): 16723 |
Players Online: / 200 Votes (January): 236 Votes (all time): 32243 |
Players Online: 2 / 100 Votes (January): 190 Votes (all time): 96370 |
Players Online: 29 / 400 Votes (January): 142 Votes (all time): 80751 |
Players Online: 20 / 100 Votes (January): 123 Votes (all time): 3566 |
Players Online: 2 / 50 Votes (January): 117 Votes (all time): 20417 |
Players Online: 6 / 350 Votes (January): 113 Votes (all time): 9293 |
Players Online: 3 / 200 Votes (January): 108 Votes (all time): 624 |
Players Online: 1 / 100 Votes (January): 103 Votes (all time): 379 |
Players Online: / ? Votes (January): 94 Votes (all time): 50402 |
Players Online: 8 / 150 Votes (January): 85 Votes (all time): 233 |
Players Online: 2 / 500 Votes (January): 82 Votes (all time): 123 |
Players Online: / 50 Votes (January): 79 Votes (all time): 400 |
Players Online: 1 / 100 Votes (January): 76 Votes (all time): 5347 |
Players Online: / 1 Votes (January): 76 Votes (all time): 208 |
Players Online: / 50 Votes (January): 52 Votes (all time): 2081 |