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0 Players have voted for this server in December. 2085625 Votes - All time |
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Recent Comments & Reviews (100) Load More
2024-10-20 07:10:24I am loving this amazing server so fun to play
2024-08-21 02:35:11poggers pogger pogge pogg pog po p s sr sre sreg sregg sreggo sreggop
2024-08-17 02:52:41love skyblock so relaxing and peaceful make an afk farm afk and win beat everyone and be the best u cna be
2024-08-11 02:14:03love this skyblock server win by doing an iron, xp, cacti or mobcoin farm join now and win love this yay
2024-08-03 09:40:18Amazing Server, Highly recon to join!! btw free keys if vote!
2024-07-31 07:45:07love this server easy to leasrn and grow join now and beast everyone up take me money honey :P
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PvPWars is a network of Minecraft servers that released on March 25th 2017. We have a lot of experience with hosting fun, popular and unique servers!Our Current Servers:
- 1.19.3 Skyblock
- Factions / Prison on the way!
Join Today! -