Minecraft Skyblock Servers
Skyblock Minecraft servers offer a unique and exciting survival challenge. You'll start on a floating island with limited resources, so you'll need to be creative and resourceful to survive. To get started, you'll need to quickly create cobble generators and infinite water sources. This will provide the basic necessities you need to continue on your journey and complete various challenges.
In a Minecraft Skyblock Server, players must also collect resources and complete various challenges in order to expand their island and upgrade their gear. The ultimate goal is to complete the challenges and become the most successful player on the server. With each success, new opportunities and resources become available, allowing you to grow and build your island into a thriving community. For those who want to team up with friends, some Skyblock servers even offer co-op play on shared islands.
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 862 / 3500 Votes (February): 23450 Votes (all time): 1265148 |
Players Online: 970 / 3500 Votes (February): 8 Votes (all time): 1526968 |
Players Online: 164 / 400 Votes (February): 1218 Votes (all time): 127159 |
Players Online: 7 / 50 Votes (February): 109 Votes (all time): 416 |
Players Online: 1708 / 3000 Votes (February): 34643 Votes (all time): 5459774 |
Players Online: 267 / 500 Votes (February): 11515 Votes (all time): 829403 |
Players Online: 214 / 5000 Votes (February): 10328 Votes (all time): 127347 |
Players Online: 1197 / 6500 Votes (February): 9974 Votes (all time): 1881801 |
Players Online: 855 / 5000 Votes (February): 9203 Votes (all time): 1785081 |
Players Online: 917 / 3000 Votes (February): 6076 Votes (all time): 66536 |
Players Online: 161 / 200 Votes (February): 5675 Votes (all time): 132259 |
Players Online: 201 / 2024 Votes (February): 4643 Votes (all time): 105257 |
Players Online: 181 / 750 Votes (February): 3731 Votes (all time): 1939953 |
Players Online: 37 / 1000 Votes (February): 3510 Votes (all time): 167081 |
Players Online: 211 / 1000 Votes (February): 2896 Votes (all time): 1577542 |
Players Online: 195 / 1500 Votes (February): 2343 Votes (all time): 343024 |
Players Online: 22 / 500 Votes (February): 2210 Votes (all time): 4586 |
Players Online: 103 / 888 Votes (February): 2168 Votes (all time): 665100 |
Players Online: 819 / 2000 Votes (February): 2134 Votes (all time): 734634 |
Players Online: 114 / 500 Votes (February): 2092 Votes (all time): 77753 |