Minecraft Server icon for LimeRealmLimeRealm
Java Server IP ⟹play.limerealm.com

Java IP:play.limerealm.com
Server Status:Online
Last Ping: 3 minutes ago
Server Version: 1.21.4
Players Online:0 / 40
Submitted:2015-12-11 23:52:39
Updated:2015-12-12 01:17:35
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Country:United States
Votes in February:0
Votes - all time:478
External Links: Server Website

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LimeRealm is a small, whitelisted vanilla Minecraft server established specifically to have a fun place to just enjoy Minecraft with others. The goal is to create an enjoyable experience for everyone, whether you’re new to the game or have played since alpha, whether you build dirt huts or sprawling castles in the sky, whether you like to explore or build complex redstone contraptions, it’s all welcome here. The whitelisting process is a little bit strict on who is let through, but that’s to ensure that everybody who plays here has the best possible experience.

The server has been online for a while now, but not open to people joining. We have intentionally left the community areas e.g. spawn a bit underdeveloped, leaving them with mostly just the basics so they can be built up as a community project with the servers official launch. Were looking to build a tight knit community with this server, a group of people who not only login to play the game but also login to play with the other members of the server. This doesnt mean you are forced to take part in community builds or anything like that, but theres no point in being on a server if youre not socializing with the other members.

If you have any questions then feel free to ask them either here or on our official forum, http://limerealm.com/forum/index.php. If this server sounds like your kind of place then be sure to put in a whitelist application on the site, were looking forward to hearing from you!

What kind of Minecraft Server is LimeRealm?

LimeRealm is a Minecraft Vanilla Server that specifically serves players using the Java edition of the game. The server aims to provide a friendly and welcoming environment for players to enjoy a balanced and engaging Survival, Vanilla experience.

They offer the following server quality standards: Whitelist

Types of Games and Gameplay on LimeRealm?

Minecraft servers offer a diverse range of game modes and gameplay types, which is what sets them apart from one another. LimeRealm is a Minecraft server that offers several types of games and gameplay, including unknown modes.

Server software used to run LimeRealm?

Using custom server software provides additional features, customization options, and plugin support compared to the original Minecraft server jar. This server has registered their server to use the following server software: None custom server software registered. We suspect the server uses the original game files.

How do I join the LimeRealm server?

Join with Minecraft Java edition

  • Click on the Java IP here to copy it: play.limerealm.com
  • Open Minecraft and click the Multiplayer tab and click Add Server
  • Paste the IP into the Add Server option. Click Done
  • Click Join and enjoy playing on LimeRealm
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