Minecraft Servers

Minecraft Server List (mcsl) is showcasing some of the best Minecraft Servers in the world to play on online.

Scroll down and find a good minecraft server that seems right for you - click on the server to read more or click Copy IP and paste it into your Minecraft Client at the Multiplayer option for Java and Bedrock.
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Server List Information

We ping each server often to ensure they are online and ready to play on. More than 500.000 Minecraft Servers monitored since 2010.

We have a comprehensive list of servers spanning various categories such as Skyblock, Vanilla, Pixelmon, Towny, Bedwars, and more. Navigate through the different categories in the menu above and find the perfect server to suit your Minecraft gameplay needs.

Browse Minecraft Servers 2024
Rank Server IP Address


#4581 pl

Stwórz swoje imperium w Minecraft! Dostępne tryby: Waterblock, Freebuild, ShadowPVP, Prison oraz Parkour! Dokładamy wszelkich starań aby rozgrywka cieszyła i była na j...
Players Online: / 1
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 2



#4582 us

Semi Anarchy Vanilla Survival Multiplayer. Invite your friends or play with other random people in the server, we're waiting for you, join now ATOMSMP....
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 1

Fabric 1.20.6 Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was called Valley of Peace in conjunction with Kevin’s Twitch channel of “Master Shifu.” Fol...
Players Online: 2 / 9999
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 23


Trojan smp

#4584 us

a Vanilla minecraft server with mc chat and discord chat connectivity that also has a few quality of life plugins like skin restorer, better teams, and simple tpa, griefing ...
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 1


The Furrest

#4585 us

The Furrest
Furrest's Official Server, created by furries for everyone! Enjoy a world that will never reset, where grief is not allowed. Your builds will be there, forever....
Players Online: / 40
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 1

The Vendridee SMP is a multiplayer Minecraft server designed to create an engaging experience for all of our players and maintaining a hands off approach to the day to day w...
Players Online: / 16
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 2



#4587 us

Survive players and the wither storm! Face off against ruthless players and we ain't no anti griefing server!you might have to run away from the storm! they can destroy...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0

iMinecrafting - A dedicated Spanish-speaking Minecraft server. About the server: Dedicated server Jobs system iConomy for a robust economy Player-run markets Facti...
Players Online: 10 / 150
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 20

Pawstep Pathway Warrior C
Pawstep Pathway is a server based on the popular and wonderful Warriors series, by Erin Hunter. To join, we require that you have read the ENGLISH version of Into the Wild, ...
Players Online: / 30
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 75

A chill near-vanilla Survival server for casual play, having fun, and playing with friends. This server is family-friendly and aims to be safe, fun, and collaborative. It is...
Players Online: 5 / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 5



#4591 us

this server is private join now for simple survival awsom server join now join now for awesome join and enjoy anf enjoy here you fined many friendas here you find many new f...
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0



#4592 us

Like this server I think that you like this server join fast this is survival server play with your friends and do loot of fun in this server this is my friend server I hope...
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0

Hello! Are you looking for a nice and chill SMP? Well, here we are! Here you can find new friends, team up, attend to fun events or giveaways and maybe also win them :smirk:...
Players Online: / ?
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0

Hello, I'm MILLER and I am starting a whitelisted SMP from scratch with no modifications besides voicechat if you decide to use it. Rules are pretty basic: No griefing,...
Players Online: / 100
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0

🔥 Welcome to Saga of the dead Pre-Alpha Release! 🔥 Survive. Fight. Loot. Team up to take down custom area bosses for unique loot! • Hardcore survival mech...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0


Hall of Fame

#4596 us

Welcome to Hall of Fame. Our server has the friendliest community on Minecraft. We are a gaming community from Next Generation Gaming LLC SA-MP Server. If connecting on B...
Players Online: / 100
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 1

Hallo zusammen, ich habe vor einigen Tagen mit Freunden einen Server aufgemacht der viele Mods enthaelt und damit ein bisschen mehr Leben auf dem Server ist habe ich mich...
Players Online: / 20
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0

[IT] VideoGiochItalia.it
Server ufficiale della community di VideoGiochItalia.it, tutti possono entrare, siete i benvenuti! E abilitato il Crossplay, quindi e possibile anche per gli utenti BEDROCK...
Players Online: / 100
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 0


#4599 us

Anarchy.bar is a new Anarchy server where all things are allowed, Toxicity, Hacking, Griefing, you name it! Most servers like this are on version 1.12.2, but we strive to b...
Players Online: / 1000
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 2

CataSim is a Hypixel Skyblock Server for the Cracked Community! Players can obtain items through various different new ways that is not in hypixel! A Custom Made Dungeons wi...
Players Online: 3 / 300
Votes (February): 0
Votes (all time): 1