Minecraft All Time Popular Servers
The All Time Most Popular Minecraft Servers list is based on the total number of votes received over time. Each month, the votes are accumulated to create a comprehensive list of the best servers of all time. The vote reset (once a month) is added to the overall tally, so you can be sure that this list is always up-to-date.
If you're searching for the most popular servers at the moment, check out the Best Minecraft Servers list instead. This list is based on the current number of votes and is updated monthly to provide a real-time overview of the most in-demand servers. Get gaming!
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 28644 / 200000 Votes (January): 37 Votes (all time): 6615553 |
Players Online: 1816 / 3000 Votes (January): 39653 Votes (all time): 5373599 |
Players Online: 78 / 10000 Votes (January): 1300 Votes (all time): 3609909 |
Players Online: 450 / 2000 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 2501606 |
Players Online: 196 / 2500 Votes (January): 49 Votes (all time): 2085674 |
Players Online: 2 / 3 Votes (January): 0 Votes (all time): 2040865 |
Players Online: 211 / 750 Votes (January): 4711 Votes (all time): 1930945 |
Players Online: 802 / 6500 Votes (January): 8891 Votes (all time): 1858917 |
Players Online: 248 / 999 Votes (January): 6146 Votes (all time): 1788202 |
Players Online: 622 / 5000 Votes (January): 9416 Votes (all time): 1764028 |
Players Online: 259 / 1000 Votes (January): 7007 Votes (all time): 1694095 |
Players Online: / 5000 Votes (January): 1 Votes (all time): 1627260 |
Players Online: 100 / 1000 Votes (January): 3427 Votes (all time): 1570515 |
Players Online: 8 / 9 Votes (January): 1331 Votes (all time): 1536458 |
Players Online: 1103 / 3500 Votes (January): 17 Votes (all time): 1526944 |
Players Online: 39 / 400 Votes (January): 25 Votes (all time): 1457349 |
Players Online: 88 / 1 Votes (January): 2775 Votes (all time): 1347773 |
Players Online: 111 / 1000 Votes (January): 3901 Votes (all time): 1212781 |
Players Online: 2721 / 3000 Votes (January): 19580 Votes (all time): 1210948 |
Players Online: 656 / 2500 Votes (January): 1506 Votes (all time): 1113217 |