Minecraft FTB - Feed The Beast Servers
This is The FTB Feed The Beast modded servers. FTB originated as a custom challenge map in Minecraft that made heavy use of multiple tech mods. It played very similar to a type of map known as SkyBlock, where the player is started in a void world with only a small platform, and must overcome a series of challenges. Because FTB included tech mods, it was possible to use the various custom blocks and items to keep track of the challenges and the player's progress, as well as automatically give awards after each challenge was met.
Rank | Server | IP Address |
Players Online: 50 / 100 Votes (January): 1880 Votes (all time): 87908 |
Players Online: 37 / 500 Votes (January): 1153 Votes (all time): 26856 |
Players Online: 6 / 500 Votes (January): 500 Votes (all time): 205392 |
Players Online: 14 / 2025 Votes (January): 407 Votes (all time): 31911 |
Players Online: 49 / 200 Votes (January): 285 Votes (all time): 2088 |
Players Online: 22 / 100 Votes (January): 234 Votes (all time): 16689 |
Players Online: 5 / 69 Votes (January): 211 Votes (all time): 672 |
Players Online: 37 / 400 Votes (January): 177 Votes (all time): 80786 |
Players Online: 9 / 500 Votes (January): 167 Votes (all time): 286 |
Players Online: 39 / 400 Votes (January): 147 Votes (all time): 13498 |
Players Online: 14 / 1024 Votes (January): 144 Votes (all time): 41968 |
Players Online: 35 / 400 Votes (January): 134 Votes (all time): 50442 |
Players Online: 34 / 400 Votes (January): 80 Votes (all time): 33661 |
Players Online: 2 / 40 Votes (January): 68 Votes (all time): 745 |
Players Online: 35 / 400 Votes (January): 62 Votes (all time): 33716 |
Players Online: 17 / 200 Votes (January): 62 Votes (all time): 7025 |
Players Online: 6 / 100 Votes (January): 56 Votes (all time): 40563 |
Players Online: 1 / 60 Votes (January): 54 Votes (all time): 13786 |
Players Online: 35 / 400 Votes (January): 51 Votes (all time): 38648 |
Players Online: 36 / 400 Votes (January): 44 Votes (all time): 61787 |